Monday, June 5, 2017

Monday's Missives

Turtle eggs. They were some sweet, sweet midnight snacks for a predator.

Catfishocalypse Honestly, these remains were everywhere- dozens of them. Superpredator  involvement or they were from a fish stocking activity and they were too dumb to survive? I have never see anything like it. 

Never could get the sunrise this morning to look on the phone as beautiful as it did to my eyes and I must have tried a dozen times with different distances, angles and compositions. A related thought: the aesthetic component to the sunrise itself did not last long. Within 2 minutes it was just boring ole, mean Texas sun beating down on us.
I like this flower picture although it was a only a one handed snap just to  remind me to look it up later. The way it always goes it seems.

  • A long time ago near Alvord? There was a country music festival. I actually prowled around the left over rotten, remaining structures years after the fact. Somebody told me Conway Twitty played there or he was supposed to play and the whole thing never got off the ground? My guess is it happened or did not happen in the 1970s?! Odd detail I remember: the field had nice, huge pecan trees around it-otherwise I have no idea where it was.
  • Anybody know what I am talking about?
  • Something I have done that you have not- ride a 4 wheeler from Briar to Alvord.
  • It was a surreal experience. We gassed up multiple times over the course of the day including once at the Derrick truck stop on 287.
  • It might be a worthwhile endeavor to be birdwatcher.
  • Also it would be an excuse to buy myself a cool set of binos.

1 comment:

an Donalbane said...

Where was the festival? Was it south of Alvord, maybe west of the rest-stop?