Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Wednesday's Digressions

    Image result for duck memes

  • Zac scored a run yesterday (09/29/2016). He rounded first and as he did, the first baseman dropped the ball. I shouted, Run Zac! Go to second! He kept going to second. The second baseman missed the ball so we again urged Zac on to third. He must have been feeling good about things- as he just kept going. As he passed third headed home I think I said something like, Omigawd- he is not going to stop! but I am not sure- I think I kind of blacked out from happiness.
  • When people say, I you can't do the time dont do the crime! regarding complaints from a prisoner about their treatment they demonstrate a possibly very missplaced assumption the prisoner was guilty in the first place.
  • People who are nominally Christians seem especially hardcore in their view of caged people. Their attitudes are directly in opposition to all of Jesus' teaching- I mean come on- he specifically commanded followers to visit prisoners.
  • When I was young even us screw ups knew we were not going to be screw ups forever. We had some encouragement toward doing better though as being a screw up was not applauded and rewarded with money and girls like it is today (the kinda opposite was understood going to be true).
  • A friend is probably going to be famous in her chosen field.
  • Crocs shoes are disgusting and pointless.
  • To buy a baseball or softball bat worth anything to ballers these days it seems like you need to spend at least two or three hundred dollars (and it might be replaced in a year) but 50 bucks will still buy all the glove you could ever want and will be kept for years.
  • There are some lessons about technology in the previous observation but also some psychology.
  • I have never drunk Ethiopian coffee.


an Donalbane said...

When people say, I you can't do the crime dont do the time! regarding complaints from a prisoner about their treatment they demonstrate a possibly very missplaced assumption the prisoner was guilty in the first place.

OK, call me displaced, but doing time without doing crime seems, conceptually, quite 'tats without tits'. Else I am mistaken.

el chupacabra said...

Lulz thanks for saving me from myself- again. I fixed that improperly phrased truism.