Thursday, February 7, 2013

Thursday's Thoughts

Rae and elusive American pelican

Permanent anchor used for ropes to climb rock faces in Penitentiary Hollow 
There are lots of things that people enjoy that I do not understand. The vandalism that is called graffiti is  fairly high on that list.

The sun rays through the clouds trick is an oldie but a goody and I like it

I told you

A CCC worker nearly a hundred years ago nearly killed himself building this bench  so some moron could deface it. Really- that is the ONLY reason it was built.

A beaver gnawed on this tree so long ago it rusticated


Cro Magnon and Neanderthal dudes- you have a long walk ahead of you  my friend

Bigfoot poop

What are they hiding in there- an alien spacecraft, a dead Sasquatch? I wear a foil hat when I go around that way just to be safe.

Vines that grew up through a fence always catch my eye.

  • I will let you down. I will make you hurt.
  • Sometimes, I can almost reach back and touch that dirty faced little boy named Kevin. I want to apologize and tell him things will sometimes be harder than he ever dreamed- or deserved. I want to tell him he'll see and inflict violence on his fellow man that he cannot comprehend and he'll have to endure emotional pain at the hands of others that no person should have to endure. Death will be a constant companion both professionally and personally. There is so much I could say, but when I see him in that yard in Decatur TX I just want to watch and think, God bless him- such simple times. I just want to watch him play in the dirt with his trucks. And yes, I'd also tell him it is all worth it. When life is good it is a miracle.
  • One day I walked around the block with Zac while he rode his bike. The sun was setting and the air was cool. It was perfect, except- I had no one to share those times with. We were broke and things weren't necessarily looking up. I could barely walk, my back was hurting so bad and he didn't want to stop for anything.
  • And there was no place I'd rather been. I literally thought, I don't know how anyone could ever kill themselves.
  • Recently after a weekend trip to TF I couldn't find my deodorant in my bags when I got ready for work Tuesday morning. That evening I felt rank- it was probably mostly in my imagination but I disgusted myself and assumed I must have been repellent to my patients and nursing buddies alike that day
  • I do not know how many times in my life someone I have known well has looked at me like they've never seen me before and said, Wow, you're shorter than I thought you were..
  • My most recent Email exchange: Me: You're ridiculous She: No, YOU are ridiculous. Burn! Me: POW- Zing!
  • The door to the bathroom is squeaking like mad and driving me crazy- and I don't recall the last time in my life I have been without a WD40 type product in the house.
  • One of the negative things about being a guy in the women's world that is nursing is when in meetings and other settings not only does every. single. person. there. besides me feel the need to express themselves and be understood, we have to discuss feelings- those of others and ourselves. I have to take notes,  nod approvingly, appear engaged and intent while offering up fake-ish feelings, suggestions and observations while playing the Meow Mix jingle in a loop in my brain as a diversion.


RPM said...

Kev, I'm getting a virus / malware warning from your site. I've also been getting an email bounce back from when I post a comment.

You need to get this checked out asap.

Opus #6 said...

That's the best part about having kids. Those perfect days/moments.

el chupacabra said...

RP_ Thanks brah. Yes, I'm getting pop ups from Hades and the machine is slooooow. I have no idea where/why/how but the computer got eat up somehow. I think though, it may have come from michael yon's site. I'm getting warnings regarding it. Some cyber jihadi may have put something on it.

Lady O- I have 2 saviors in this life.

an Donalbane said...

I wonder if they stored nukes in those bunkers - I remember seeing those when we took the Scouts hiking on the NW side of MWSP. They look kinda like the cold war bunkers that definitely were for nukes, north of White Settlement Rd between Chapel Hill and the county line (now a helo maintenance facility, I think).