Saturday, December 20, 2008

Things I Don't Understand About Us

  • Liberals love Jon Stewarts show and conservatives love Stephen Colbert's when there's not a nickels worth of difference between the two politically- they're both liberal/libertarian-esqe shills although, Stewarts show seems a little more well produced and I find it generally funnier.

  • Cigarette smoking.

  • How people can live to adulthood and say,"_____ could never happen to me!"

  • People getting tattoos for the fads sake (esp. barbed wire,thorn vines and tribals)

  • People literally killing each other bum rushing a Walmart to buy a bunch of junk they don't need with money they don't have regardless of what a deal they're getting.

  • Folks living in a thirty thousand dollar shack with a hundred thousand dollars plus worth of new cars out front.

  • I stopped once in August to help an extremely fat woman on the side of the road with car trouble. She had two children with her and told me she'd been standing there for 2 hours, all three looked like they were about to have a heat stroke. I got their car fixed. She cried. A couple of days later two extremely pretty women were broke down within two miles of the same place. I happened to stop within a few minutes of their breakdown. I looked under the hood and saw a broken hose. I called home to let them know I'd be a little late and before I could get back from my car with a knife to cut it down to good hose two different vehicles containing males stopped and started jockeying for their attention and trying to figure out was wrong with the car. One genius said,"I bet it's the battery!" while getting in the hotter ones face and while oddly, I thought trying to stand between me and her. I left it to them.

  • People who can believe whatever they want to believe in spite of evidence to the contrary.

  • When people get up in arms over plans to kill animals due to overpopulation that is hurting their own species and endangering humans. Hundreds of people are killed every year by misadventures with animals on the roads alone and billions of dollars of damage is caused. I think they have a vision of these animals growing old surrounded by a loving family as they fade away and go to deer heaven or whatever. They actually starve or freeze to death or die of dehydration if a coyote doesn't rip their guts out. An overpopulation also causes these thing to happen in an unnatural cycle so they aren't dying of natural causes anyway technically.

  • Nope, not a deer hunter.

  • There are still a lot of larger cities in this country that are very proud of their animal shelters spending easily upwards of a million dollars on their facilities construction and a hundred thousand dollars plus per year maintenance where a woman who is being brutalized in her home by a family member can't get shelter.

  • That one makes me sick to my stomach.

  • People who equate animals with people at any level, for any reason.

  • How some people can never seem to let go.

  • How some people can never seem to try to hold on.

  • Why people won't support their local, independent businesses when you know they are going to emptily mourn there passing when they go under.

  • People with extremist views.

  • People who won't get passionate about anything.

  • Why the last time I cleaned out my cabinet that the phone books which I have used exactly twice in the past 10 years (both unsuccessfully) have accumulated had 11 different ones, keep coming. Also, when I survey friends- to a person, they report never using them and often report dropping them directly in the trash.

  • How there was ever a time we wore leisure suits.

  • How anybody could buy anything they found out about through an unsolicited email- especially medicines.

  • How people in a position of power engaging in any type of abuse from mass executions committed by hundreds of soldiers during war or a police officer on the street assaulting someone are not stopped at some point by the thought this could be me.

  • How anyone could ever cheat an elderly person out of anything.
  • Why so many people even bother getting married.

  • How people will read this and I think I hate and am otherwise prejudiced about these people, places, things, thoughts and ideologies etc.- I said, I don't understand them.

1 comment:

Sue said...

i don't understand either. although i am a vegetarian. i'm glad i can put my dog in a cage though. can't do that with kids. guess they're NOT the same, eh?