Saturday, July 24, 2010

A Truism Gets A Facelift


Opus #6 said...


LandShark 5150 said...

That's almost as good as Nat.Lamp's Christmas Vacation line from Cuz Eddie when Clark asks him "do you smell that?" And the reply - " smells like fried pussy cat" kills me everytime. That and "the part won't lie right" bit.
But to biz - sorry me has been thru your blog in ages (its all I can do to care bout kapooter world). See that the kiddos are grow'n like weeds, that young slays me, good looking boy. Glad all appears to be well with parker county combators. Thought of you the other day, someone I schooled with lives out there and she could pass for that dark hair/blue momma. Got that deer/light look on me face when I was putting pieces of the gene puzzle together with scissors and tape.
Just trying to live single thru proxy -- God I'm getting old and toothless, guess the terra mako yanked me toofers.
I still enjoy your musings, Kevin
Later my friend

el chupacabra said...

Op- Yes- grody commody, but I thought it was funny.

Don- thanks