Friday, October 22, 2010

War Buddy Reunion

It's so weird bumping into guys you served with in Iraq. You're sitting there drinking coffee talking about jobs, kids and life in general then suddenly you can't hear a word they're saying. You're both standing there over that dead body. The breeze that had been blowing- cooling the sweat pouring out of every pore of your body causing you to shiver stops- the same breeze that must have incidentally carried away the smell of blood since you can suddenly taste it-that dirty coppery taste. You never forget it and you can't get it off of you until you shower and change clothes and then- maybe. It may linger for days.
There's a rushing noise in your ears and suddenly you're back. He tells the punch line to a joke and you both bust out laughing like crazy. You guys are having way tooo much fun the waitress says.


Kathleen... said...

Wow...I love the way you write. Although, no one should have to balance a cup of coffee over such memories...I'm so sorry.

el chupacabra said...

Thanks Mrs A, but at same time wouldn't trade those experiences for anything.