Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Wednesday's Digressions

Fellow citizen- when people cannot understand what you are saying to them just say to yourself, It is not that persons fault I am super high. Also- pull up your britches young man.

It looks like I'm about to touch weens with a gigantically hung tree-man while wearing a Batman cowl.
  • Recently I listened to some modern hip-hop on the way home. I listened to it for at least 20 minutes. Not because it was good- but because it was so spectacularly bad it was interesting. It was just a bunch of sound effects like bleeps  and bloops and people talking like they have a closed head injury.
  • Semi related thought: within a day or two of that I also listen to some country. What made me land there is that I was in the mood for rock and that is what I thought I heard on the dial so I stopped. I specifically thought it was a song that I liked by group I recognized-  Royal Blood? But no, it was some kind of bad country. 
    There have have always been a ton of buzzards around Weatherford.
  • Don mentioned posts that end up here for just a short while and then I take them down. Sometimes they were posted years ago just for me to see how I felt about them. Other times my understanding of facts changed. Other times I realized that there was more to the story that I wanted  to say- so I shelved it intending to post it again later.
    Ewwww Oatmilk?!
  • There are a couple of businesses local to me that I mostly only do business with because they have hired a special needs person or at least someone whom another business might not of hired for that position regardless. I often drive out of my way to patronize them. 
  • Update: that same business has a new employee that seems like they might be a slightly on the special side.
  • No matter who you are or where you are- if you're the one with the say, give people a chance. Treat them the way you would want to be treated. Treat them the way you would want somebody to treat your childyour sister your brother...
    Nursing seminar swag
  • Lately I have been thinking about people from the time I lived in Tennessee- a lot. Interesting thing to come from said mental exercises: I am surprised at the number of close friends from those days that I have no independent recall of how we met. They were just part of my entire life there and seem to have always been that way.
  • Anna Nalick  Breathe. I've always liked this song but had never noticed the Fort Bliss reference until this morning (01/08/2020). Also, I had no idea that lady was so pretty.
    Good grief! Really?!

1 comment:

an Donalbane said...

This is not at all scientific, just my own empirical observation and opinion, but I think the biggest flock of buzzards in North Texas makes its home just south of Cottondale (but quite a ways north of Springtown) - I have seen like 2 or 3 dozen or more in a group out there.

Are you feeling unwell? That chick is an awesome singer - not at all headbanging/death metal - and yes, she is gorgeous.
