Thursday, September 7, 2017

Thursday's Thoughts

  • So it is over with FG. She has already moved- I have no idea where she even lives.
  • Dang, that was a good one.
  • I have memories that will last me a lifetime.
  • It has been months since I've been camping. When the crowds were reasonable it was too unbelievably hot . When the temperature was nice- everything was too crowded.
  • Getting in the habit of going to bed nearly as soon as I get home. I'll never go straight to sleep though- I'll read for hours
  • I am reading a fantastic book titled 1491.
  • Super duper cute neighbor left her boyfriend recently. I doubt he saw it coming. I could literally see it coming from a mile away. 
  • No woman ever spent a minute in a tanning bed or a hour in the gym and/or drops 20 pounds for her present boyfriend.
  • Arthritis is beginning to affect the first knuckle of my thumb and the first knuckle of my index finger of my right hand. It has been in the first knuckle of my pinky finger on the same hand for a while but the other two knuckles are also starting to stay sore all the time now.
  • Did I know but somehow forget that the writer of one of my favorite songs, Come Monday is Jimmy Buffett?!
  • I nearly fell out of my chair when I read that he wrote that song earlier this evening.
  • Today is August 1st 2017.

1 comment:

Mike M. said...

Come Monday is one of my favorites, too! Also, A Pirate Looks At Forty. Sometimes nothing beats listening to Buffett.