Thursday, March 9, 2017

Thursday's Thoughts

  • At work a bit between myself and our old doctor was when he was asked a question by a nurse he would reply to the effect, Well, allow me to confer with my colleague... and turning to me he would say, Doctor Kevin- what would you do in a case this? I would make my reply resulting in him rapping his knuckles on his desk and telling whoever asked the question, I concur with my colleague. Make it so...
  • A weird loosely connected thought- another physician and I were bustin' each others bawlz one day between patients. A female nurse whom he does not get along with and who also doesn't really get how the world works approached me later and said something like, I saw the way he was talking to you. I get it. I have trouble dealing with him too. It is hard sometimes... It took me a minute to process what she even meant. She just did not get it.
  • A Perfect Circle's cover of Imagine is terrible.
  • My ex GF sent me an email this morning (02/28/2017) asking if it was me she saw as I drove by her place on the way to work. It was  nice to hear from her. That is until a program at Pro Flowers and Kendra Scott took note of our interaction and started sending me spam.
  • This morning I listened to Deftones and Marilyn Manson back to back and for hours on end.
  • My nursing buddy whom I know to have long ago had a falling out with another mutual nursing buddy could not even remember why she hated the other nurse when the subject came up this morning- but she still hates her just the same.
  • Oreo McFlurrys are great.
  • Although I cannot remember what it was for (baseball, soccer or karate?) I once gave my ex wife a blank check for her to use during the registration process. It was seen as the craziest thing my co workers had ever heard. It was just practical as far as I was concerned and you know- if we cannot trust each other with something like that at this point in our lives- it would not matter what we did or did not do- we would be doomed to failure raising our children.
  • Life pro tip: if at all possible when providing for your children always use a check or electronic transfer tagged CS (for child support). It may never matter but if/when it does it will be a big deal and you will thank your past you for watching out for future you.
  • A ground war in Syria would be a huge, massive mistake.


an Donalbane said...

Regarding the last bullet point, I think it's kinda ironic that there are a lot of folks protesting the new President because he is seemingly a semi-isolationist and not a 'one-worlder'. It seems they would be happy that this administration might be loath to commit American ground forces to places where we don't have a snowball's chance of meaningfully effecting change or peace among people who have been conflicted for centuries.

Now, my guess of how DJT might handle a Persian or NK flare-up is no better or worse than anyone else's, but my suspicion is that he might somewhat emulate HST, using overwhelming force with stealth/standoff. From my perspective, having been born after the mid-20th century, it would be refreshing for a U.S. leader to say "We'll put a stop to ______, but we're not going to have 60,000 names on a black wall, or 5,000 brave Americans in flag-draped coffins plus 40,000 maimed, to do it."

Anonymous said...

Amen Amen. There's enough killin' that needs to be done right here in Raccoon City!