Monday, September 6, 2010

Monday's Missives

    My inner 12 year old giggled.

  • Knob Creek machinegun shoot- night fire with explodey goodness as they blast barrels of diesel. If it gets any better than this I don't even want to know about it- one more reason to love America.

  • Heard Merideth Viera say earlier, "Six year old beauty queen Jon Benet Ramsey." without even a hint of irony while introducing a segment on that moron John Karr who falsely confessed to her murder. What is wrong with us? Who could possibly think it's right to objectify children with sick pageants anyway? Gruesome aspects I've noticed when there's a story related to this practice: the mothers of these children are nearly always fat, ugly and don't seem to be very well put together psychologically.

  • And the father is nearly always timid, creepy and effeminate.

  • Recently, a porn actor murdered another and then hurt a couple of others. The article I perused used the word,"colleague" when referring to those involved relationships.

  • Pfftht.

  • I like the word wombat.

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