Monday, January 31, 2011

Monday's Missives

  • Bulls On Parade- a great video for my fave RATM song.

  • My nephew just came in and commented on my monitor and speakers- "Wow, that's better than my TV!"

  • Dig.

  • Even cooler: I annoy my teenager sometimes he and comes and asks me to turn it down or closes the door.

  • My bank likes for you to swipe an ATM card even for inside business with a teller and tap in the money you want to withdraw. I'll bet 20 times they've asked me for mine, look at me like I'm obviously mistaken when I say I have never had one, verify my info. and sweetly say they'll order me one and I should have it within 3-7 business days.
  • The next visit the cycle starts over.

1 comment:

Opus #6 said...

Next you will explain how you have a rotary dial phone. ;-)

I miss those. Sort of.