Thursday, March 18, 2010

Hand Grenadeaphilic Missives

I love throwing hand grenades- there is nothing, really nothing quite like it in the world. The power to destroy right there in the palm of your hand. To destroy life and property- both your own and the enemy. Nothing in the world can make you focus quite like you do at the point you first pull the safety ring- literally, you don't think of anything else- you can't. One wrong move and you're a goner and you know it. You can theoretically flex the safety lever enough to fire the fuse and that 5-7 second countdown before it goes boom starts. A bad aim or your foot slips when you chunk it and it hits something and rolls back and stops between you legs (think of a boomerang- that blows your testicles off). If you don't cook it off for a couple of seconds the odds increase exponentially one of the bad guys will throw it back at you and this happens all the time and has since the things were invented. Then it will hurt you and break your stuff- they have no conscience. Cook it off too long and you become a cautionary tale- the subject of safety briefings at grenade ranges all across the fruited plain and beyond. Don't let this happen to you the instructor says while everybody in the class rolls their eyes and mouths Gooberhead! (or worse) to their buddy sitting next to them.

Mythbusters also digs things that go boom.

Grenade launchers can be a thing of beauty.

More here.

Who can forget The Holy Grenade?

1 comment:

YM said...

Picture is sorta Gumpish.