Monday, February 5, 2018

Monday's Missives

  • This morning (today is 02/10/2017) I saw a guy in traffic with his phone mounted near his door. The screen was plainly visible to me as he Facetimed with some ugly fat lady as he sort of watched the road out of the corner of his eye. He had his cab light on so he could be seen by her.
  • Although I did not do so, the temptation was to  pull over in front of him and do a nice brake check- thereby insuring my cozy retirement.
  • Anyway- he was willing to risk his life and ours to talk to some fat, ugly chick as he hurtled down the road at 70 MPH.
  • Odd: another pickup had a logo on the door that said, "Fiesta" and had a picture of a parrrot and no contact information or even a hint as to why the truck and said logo existed.
  • There should be a mandatory minimum for education for a person considering running for Congress. At a minimum it should be a Bachelor's degree and although we could argue the point- we should give bonus credit for it to be a law degree.
  • Game of Thrones is getting real with the torture scenes of Theon Greyjoy. Yes- I just started the third season.
  • Whoa- I had no idea there was so much graphic ghey seks in that show.
  • A couple of years ago I saw 3 female little people in Weatherford. One was white, one black and one Hispanic. The white and Hispanic were gorgeous.  They were all dressed to the nines (whatever that means). They were so overdressed and it was so unusual to see three little people together like that I presumed that as they walked into a store they were catalog models and were there for an advertising shoot (which would be super cool if a store did that) but I have since seen them around together (at least 2 together at a time) dressed down and eating at CiCis or shopping at the WalMarts.


an Donalbane said...

Bonus points for JDs running for Congress? I thought there were too many lawyers and not enough people with good sense up there.

Does the yellow brick road run through W'ford?

el chupacabra said...

Yeah I get that. I just think it crazy there is no education requirement for that office.
People like that they could be ANYBODY. That should be terrifying not comforting.