Monday, February 13, 2017

Monday's Missives

  • Recently (today is 12/08/2016) while watching some war pron about the siege of Aleppo I thought, Right about then is when I would have a headache, backache and my feet would be hurting... That is how you know you are getting old. Ten years ago I would have daydreamed about getting into the same fight with those guys. Today I know were I there right now- I would want a pain pill, a nice cup of hot chocolate and a nap.
  • There was another dead person on the road on I30 on my way to work recently. They were I think within 100 feet of the last I saw but I do not know if there is low income housing on one side or the other or if it was a coincidence or what. I have never seen anyone cross near there.
  • Yesterday I saw 2 guys pulled over by DPS. Approximately a quarter of a mile down the road there was an Chevy Avalanche pulled well off the road with it's flashers on. It had impossibly dark tinted windows. Although it was different types of vehicles the 2 other times- this is the third time I have seen this happen on 30- no way it was a coincidence. I can guess the Avalanche driver set the drivers of the pick up for some type of drug buy and that is where the bust went down man.
  • Yesterday (today is 12/15/2016) a supervisor who is actually from another department sought my input about the use of and placement of some new equipment. It was an impromptu heads up- not an an official meeting of the minds. He happens to be a guy. Although I do not remember exactly what I was saying it involved (legitimately) the insertion of the tip of a piece of equipment into another. I said, So yeah, I needed to put the tip of it in there- just the tip... Whereupon he started grinning like a possum eating a dead cat. Seeing this I hammed it up and said, Oh yeaaaah- baby let me put the tip in- just the tip. Come on baby- I love you... We both burst out laughing. I had to dive into an empty office to compose myself. When I stepped back out he was was leaning against the wall. His papers were lying on the floor where they had fallen and tears were streaming down his face.
  • 85- our combined ages. 300- number of college credit hours we likely have between us.


an Donalbane said...

I have a co-worker who excels at extracting prurient overtones from otherwise mundane discussions.

Of course, it probably isn't helping when I occasionally lob a slow pitch her way.

el chupacabra said...

Yeah some of same stuff goes on around our office. Always have to know how audience though.