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Wednesday's Digressions

- Is there anything worse than stabbing yourself in the roof of you mouth with the corner of a cracker?
- What's the bottom of your mouth called? Anyway it's pretty bad there also.
- Also- isn't it more of a ceiling?
- Zachary and I went out on my friends boat Saturday. When we came back in he said, You want to keep the boat wet and drive Zac around the lake while we pack up camp? I thought you'd never ask...
- He was gone an hour and a half.
- We went out to an island in Mineral Well Lake SP. There were two geese sitting on nests. Zac said, Why. Are. They. Hissing. At. Us?
- We named it Goose Island.
- Maybe weird: I picked up a turtle off the road and carried it in my car to show everybody and let the kids turn it loose in the water. Interesting: when it burrowed under my seat, it shoved out my phone- which had been missing for days.
- And the rain will kill us all if we throw ourselves against the wall
Um, just taking a stab at it (get it?) but I think it's called the palate.
And yes, there is something worse than a cracker. A tortilla chip. They will turn into razor blades the second you let your guard down.
Yes, tor tilla chips are also the Devil.
I still have a laceration in the bottom of my mouth.
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