Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Wednesdays Digressions

  • Been working so much have sort of been neglecting the blog and more or less phoning it in.

  • If it's good enough for Deniro and Pacino...

  • A lady at a nursing home where I was contracted at who was wheelchair bound and way too young to be thought of as the age for a traditional nursing home patient brought good cofffee to me in the room I was working in when she overheard me griping about the only available coffee being decaf.

  • Humbling

  • The amount of fruit and fresh vegetables consumed in my house in a week would measure at least several pounds.

  • Don't give me too much credit- the Dr Pepper would be at least quarts.

  • My baby sons latest thing is to carry a washcloth around for his comfy. Also, when I have set him down to make a cup for him he says,"Uh, uh" and pushes it away and won't take it until he's picked back up- to keep from being tricked into walking around under his own power.

  • I'm working extra now for a motorhome- hopefully enough people are still scared of the fuel market I can still make out good on a decent older class C (or A if the miles and price are reasonable enough).

  • Really hope to make some good memories.

  • Money pit
  • I know the picture doesn't follow any of my missives but, holy guacamole Batman- it's a cow that's been struck by lightning, that has to be worth something!


no more said...

know what you mean about work, lately when i get home i just don't have the energy to log on and be witty

the number of vegitables that are rotting in my house can be measured in the Mostly because i get home and am so tired i don't even want to bother to prepare a healthy dinner

el chupacabra said...

Muse, tragically. the veggies who become compost in my household would likely also be measured in pounds over a months period.