Monday, December 31, 2018

  • At lunch once for some reason the subject came up of celebrities. As a result, it was discussed to which we were most attracted. I was asked about one who happens to be black. My answer was something along the lines of Nah, she does nothing for me- she looks kind of mannish. I can't tell if she is a slightly ugly woman or a super pretty dude! Then I laughed and everybody else laughed- except for one person. I happened to look around and a woman who is black was staring at me with literal murder in her eyes. This was no fleeting micro expression that I may have misinterpreted either. She made eye contact with me for a good solid 5 seconds- just glaring.
  • My point? I don't know but that was years ago and I still wonder about what was happening there.
  • Bonus thought- she was one of my best work buddies. We had lunch together all the time. Even so- I still have no idea what the line was I crossed. 
  • I had the most amazing coffee nap yesterday.
  • As I have mentioned before while in Germany I got to be pretty good with the language. While not absolutely fluent- I could manage to get my point across in any setting. Since English is Germanic- you can figure out a lot when you can identify root words. Also, if there is a compound word in German and you know one of the root words it is often easy to interpret-ish. Example: I just saw in print the title of a book, Meine Flugbuch. Without hesitation I saw, My Flight Book. That is not correct. It would be My Logbook (as related to flying though) but it got the point across and on either side of an actual conversation between real people; the speakers would figure out in context what was meant if the title was spoken.
  • It is April 7th 2018 and when I awoke this morning it was to a drizzly rain in 32 degree temperature. Texas weather is psychotic.
  • The only thing keeping me in Texas are my children. If the ex said, I'm moving to Colorado. I would simply say, Cool, I'm right behind you...
  • Yesterday (today is 05/02/2018) I told a friend the story about the time an ex tried to murder me with a pair of scissors. My friend did not believe the story which hurt my feelings out of proportion to what that lack of faith should.
  • Today (11/08/2018) I thought about the woman who tried to get all stabby with me. I wondered as I have a few times through the years if she ever thinks about that episode and for the first time ever wondered how/if she justified her actions.
  • Arlo McKinley Bag Of Pills.

Saturday, December 22, 2018

Friday, December 21, 2018

Friday Morning Car Talk

  • Mike made me think of an old car story. The 1993 Suburban was a great car. Not only was it was reliable and pretty- it was easily the most comfortable vehicle I have ever owned. 
  • It was a top of the line trim package but the real secret I think was slightly oversized tires and high quality gas shocks.
  • It was the subject of a paint recall- which was completed only a few months before I bought it.  It looked like new. The color was a high end A&M color. It was beautiful.  It was complimented constantly.
  • Also within some months prior to my buying it there was a miss somewhere that a complete tune up did not fix- so the heads were replaced. It seems like there were 14000 miles on that new top end.
  • The tires were high end and nearly new.
  • The seats were a great mix of mush and firmness. Come to think of it- I wonder if they were custom?
  • Although I don't have any independent recall of how old it was- the transmission was quite new.
  • The only thing I know I did mechanical was replace the fuel pump.
  • The fuel pumped failed within minutes of filling it up. The fuel pump was in the tank.
  • I repaired it myself.
  • I saved 300+ buck- doing it myself. 
  • That, is in case you are wondering- about 3000 buck in poor people money.
  • When I had the exhaust replaced we put in a high quality, larger than stock one. 
  • It was the quietest car I have owned (and maybe bested only by my Benz). Honestly- to stay safe I would have to pull over and stretch- or SLEEP after just a few hours as it was soooo quiet and comfortable.
  • When I replaced the battery a slightly larger deep cycle one was recommended. It was slightly more expensive but had a ridiculously generous replacement policy. That didn't matter though- I got 6 years of use out of it. All the while that at some point for over a year it got nearly nothing but hot/cold starts and a short (I could get to work in 7 minutes) drive.
  • Yeah I basically stole that car- and still miss it.
  • It was a great car.
  • PS: I looked for an SUV meme to illustrate this post. All the results were of monster trucks and mud buggies. A fair number had homophobic slurs regarding drivers of the opposing brand preferred by the memes creator. There were also apparent screen grabs of ghey pron scenes which were censored with a Chevy or Ford etc. emblem.
  • So- no meme for you TODAY!

Saturday, December 8, 2018

I just intentionally listened to a Bob Dylan song for the first time in my life. Before today of course, I'd heard his stuff but only things that are played on the radio or hearing him accidentally in the periphery of my life.
I am in R And K Cafe in Weatherford. Of the couple sitting in the next booth- he has stared non stop out the window from the first moment of their arrival and she has just as intently been staring a hole in him with murder in her eyes for the same amount of time.

Thanks fellow humans for making my day as a single person a little more tolerable.