Monday, August 15, 2022

Monday's Missives

  • I once saw somebody with the name Corvette. 
  • Parenting pro tip: give your child a name that if against all your good efforts- they still go into stripping or otherwise selling their body-they cannot blame you when they have to give up as they can't figure out a good stripper or street name.
  • PS: trust them to develop a good personality without having a name you consider to be cool and that they will never hear the end of for the rest of their life.
    My neighbor left her keys in the door one night.
  • It is 0513 on 05/18/2017 and there is not one single caffeinated beverage in my place.
  • It is very difficult for me go to sleep if I am hungry. Also, if I eat a small amount prior to bed to not be hungry I will very often awaken starving in the middle of night.
  • Recently a friend sent me a picture of herself from near the Hollywood sign.
    Today's (05/19/2017) volunteer to be the sheet covered corpse in the middle of the road.
  • My shoulder is toast. Just testing it yesterday for range of motion and crepitation has me in so much pain- it is part of the reason I awoke at 4 o'clock this morning.
  • That and being super hungry.
  • A friend has cancer of the esophagus and has recently been told he is a poor candidate for surgery as he would be unlikely to survive it.
  • Kevin's shoulder hurts and he is hungry.

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