Monday, April 19, 2021

Monday's Missives

  • We did not get to stay long at Spark In The Park this year. The first band was Josh Weathers. Man, he sounded good during his solo warm-up. The sound was clean and loud for the venue without overwhelming. They did I'll Fly Away early on which is not unusual in Texas for a band that does not hate Jesus. I am nearly certain I heard Willie do it once.
  • However, I did not know it was gonna be all Jesus all the time.
  • 15 minutes was plenty (or 30-whatever it was). Nobody is more down with Jesus than me but that was not what I was there for and as a bonus- leaving got us out of the insane heat and humidity.

  • I saw a ridiculous road rage incident this evening on the way home. It was between a lady who if she was not 60 she was 70 and a male. She would not let him over and was on the phone in that, I am turning and leaning away from you simultaneously in an exaggerated manner- so you can see I am actively ignoring you...
  • It just made me think she was positioning herself for an easy head shot when he finally snapped.
  • Instead of road rage that incident was more of what mom would have called, A good old fashioned pissin' contest.
  • Funny thing about those things though- nobody really ever wins and the consequences of them can be dire.
  • I just saw a trailer for Blade Runner 2045. It did not spark an interest at all which I found both odd and surprising.

1 comment:

an Donalbane said...

The sentence "It was between a lady who if she was not 60 she was 70 and a male." left me totally confused.