Monday, April 26, 2021

Mondays Missives

  • "Thanks for being so nice to my mom and making a great burger." What her daughter said to me when she came up and hugged me the other day after I cooked out.
  • Dateline did a story on a Denton TX cops murdered wife. The description said, "the forgotten murder..." Was it ever- I'd never even heard of the case. One thing that kept popping up was," not enough evidence, says prosecutors office." If it were you or me (assuming you're not a cop) they would have brought back hanging for the death penalty for us.
  • My eldest has enlisted in the Army as an infantryman with Ranger option. I guess he didn't stand a chance being raised by me, his grandad and uncles. No, I wasn't a Ranger, but was combat arms (reconnaissance specialist) instead of just about any job in the Army which my scores would have allowed.
  • We fed pizza to the ducks at Sunshine Lake yesterday. We brought chicken lunch meat but tossed it where mammalian life could find it later. It would have seemed an atrocity to feed a bird to another bird.
  • I have never seen Footloose and that random thought about me is unlikely to change. For people who like it I would have assumed it to be a timeless classic. For people not interested for the past 30 years it seems unlikely a remake would change their minds- two reasons the recent remake seems odd to me.
  • I think I may quit drinking coffee.

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