Thursday, August 22, 2019

Thursday's Thoughts

  • I have listened to Depeche Mode for at least 35 years.
  • There used to be a girl who commented here some and whose blog I read often. She talked about her cat and posted music by Muse. I wonder what happened to her. I never see her posts whenever I go back to the olden days and look through old comments.
  • When I was a kid in Decatur we used to camp out in Dr. Cocanhaur's hay barn. We never tore up or stole anything- we just built forts and had a good time. Once a guy came up and looked around and tried to call us out after somebody apparently snitched. We took our chances and lay low until he left.
  • Recently I stumbled across an online archived newspaper blurb from the 1970s. It mentioned a reunion for my family and named the people who came from out of town.
  • Without a lot of work my truck is getting ready to let me down hard I think. It is about done.
  • A weird after effect of all the time I spent in the desert and then the Texas outdoors is I still sweat like mad at the slightest provocation.
  • Occasionally there's a big deal made about how back in the day Jessica Walter and Martha Stewart were surprisingly hot. 
  • I've got news for you- they're both still hot.
  • Sicario is a very good action movie.
  • An Army buddy wasn' so sure the Tolkien universe was not real due to its complexity. He could recite passages out of those books. He slept in the bunk above mine. He told me the story of The Hobbit as we were laying down going to sleep at night. It did not happen every night but yeah several nights he told me those stories.
  • Interesting side note to that is when I looked him up once one of the first pics I saw on whatever platform he had posted it to was of me in my bunk wrapped in a camo poncho liner.


an Donalbane said...

What the heck got ahold/aholt of those towels?

I'll agree with you on the septuagenarian/septuageriatric gals on Martha. To my way of seeing, Jessica's looking a bit Caitlin-ish, but I'm not judging, dude.

el chupacabra said...

Yeah Skynet suddenly became self-aware or whatever and made the automatic paper towel dispenser go nuts. Couldn't get it to stop.