This is the outside of the back wall in the auditorium. Some strange memories came home when I walked around the corner and saw this, the first thing I thought of was when a bunch of kids were hanging out around the front of the pool house ( since torn down) and someone threw a rock through a window, one which you can see boarded over near the eagles beak. En masse'
everybody there started throwing rocks through the windows! This building was not even nearly abandoned, it was used all the time for assemblies, plays and concerts. I don't know who started it or why but, basically everyone was engaged in this wanton, large scale vandalism. Kids of every different class and background, boys and girls were chunking rocks through those windows for all they were worth. Interestingly I don't remember if If I indulged or not though I think this may be one crime of which
I was innocent. They were all replaced with plexiglass.
The library had a real, stuffed bald eagle in the storeroom. It was ratty looking but, I was spellbound by the thing when I saw it while helping a teacher move some boxes. Wonder where that thing is now?
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