Monday, November 16, 2020

Monday's Missives

  • There are a couple hundred movies in my place- few of them I care to see again. Maybe I can interest the library
    in them.
  • I traded huge batches a couple of times for debt forgiveness of my overdue books.
  • I think I may quit drinking coffee.
  • Bwah-haha.
  • Life needs frosting- what it says on the side of the Cinnabon box.
  • An old girlfriend would pester me about the fact I never told her she was pretty. I could not because- she was not. I didn't love her because of her looks- I loved her in spite of the fact she wasn't all that pretty. 
  • I loved her truly for who she was- and that was not good enough.
  • Your favorite sitcoms ruined by math.

1 comment:

an Donalbane said...

I really need to assay and organize my vast collection of VHS (don't judge me) and DVD movies. There's a few lately that I've watched that I probably should donate back to the resale shops, as they are not worthy of permanent collection status.

I've no plans to give up coffee. Pure heresy, say I.