Monday, June 10, 2019

  • Odd- I like multiple R Kelly songs. I just had no idea who performed them when I heard them in the past. 
  • Today is June 10 2019 at 1914 hours and I just learned Walter Mondale is still alive. That is nice to know. I always kind of liked him.
  • Weird daydream: I have always wanted to build a bridge. 


an Donalbane said...

Are you saying you're writing and posting on the same day?

Has that happened before?

BTW, the nursing post disappeared. What happened?

el chupacabra said...

hey Don - yeah pretty unusual for me. I know I was actually sleep blogging I guess. I didn't mean to post that at all. Oh well, I'll leave it up.

Took the nursing post down as I realised there's things that might get misunderstood.

an Donalbane said...

I don't recall anything particularly unpleasant about Fritz Mondale - he does seem like a decent guy.

Bridges are cool. I could enjoy a road trip looking at the really interesting ones, and would like someday to build a timber foot-bridge.