Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Monday's Missives

  • Re watched Jurassic Park again last night. Another thought that kinda jumped out at me about it: wouldn't a predatory creature that stomps around sounding like thunder and nearly causing earthquakes starve to death?

  • My leg's are closed! What's the password? I'll never tell! Well, you can show and tell... From an eavesdropped conversation in the library.
  • Capernaum Village in Parker county is open and I may have gone by the time you read this.
  • Watching John Adams the movie from the book by the same name by McCullough- pretty good. I've heard the book is great.
  • Wonder if the hi lited the above will stay that way after this post is published?
  • Cowboy Christmas Poetry at Mineral Wells State Park was great, but man- it was so co000ld. Some ladies outdoor club made Monkey Bread in Dutch ovens.
  • That last sentence sounds vaguely wrong.


Opus #6 said...

Thanks for the update, Chup.

Keep warm, there.

an Donalbane said...

Guess someone should tell him that urinal cakes are not for eating...