Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Monday, April 8, 2019

Monday's Missives

  • I just watched another video that showed a gooberhead  wearing a military uniform and begging for money. Of course he had never been in the service and of course the thrust of the video was someone confronting him over lack of said service. That is well and good I suppose but the dude was so mentally challenged- he was obviously mentally challenged. His accoster was going to get his outrage on though.
  • A nurse in a hospital I know has some kind of mental illness. Report it? I can't prove anything except everytime I hear about something he said I think, That is odd. That is really bizarre... It is never insane or threatening and his speech won't- be slurred or anything. You just think- What an odd thing to say... PS: multiple nurses I know confirm the same weird vibes.
  • I blame the internets: I no longer get asked as a nurse how to cure a hangover, have more or better sex, have more or better sleep or how to pass a drug test.
  • An unAmerican female friend recently texted me to ask me out with this message, Hello my dear. How are you? Would like to go to the cinema today?
  • How comical. 
  • Black Angels Half Believing