Saturday, August 30, 2008
Robert Todd Lincoln
"There is coincidence in regard to Lincoln and presidential assassinations. He was either present or was nearby when three of them occurred.
Lincoln was invited to accompany his parents to the Ford's Theatre the night his father was shot by John Wilkes Booth on April 14, 1865. Citing fatigue from riding in a covered wagon for an extended period of time, he declined and remained behind at the White House, where he immediately went to bed. He was informed of the President's being shot just before midnight.
At President James A. Garfield's invitation, Lincoln was at the Sixth Street Train Station in Washington, D.C., where the President was shot by Charles J. Guiteau on July 2, 1881 and was an eyewitness to the event. Lincoln was serving as Garfield's Secretary of War at the time.
At President William McKinley's invitation, Lincoln was at the Pan-American Exposition in Buffalo, New York, where the President was shot by Leon F. Czolgoz on September 6, 1901, though he was not an eyewitness to the event.
In an odd coincidence, Robert Lincoln was once saved by Edwin T. Booth, brother of John Wilkes Booth, from possible serious injury or death. The incident happened at a railroad station in Jersey City sometime in 1863 or 1864, when Robert was traveling from New York City to Washington, and was recounted by Lincoln in 1909. On his way to Washington, Lincoln waited on the platform and due to crowding was pushed next to the car and the train at that moment moved a few feet forward. He subsequently lost his balance and fell between the train station's platform and the moving train. He was grabbed quickly from behind and pulled back onto the platform. Turning to face his rescuer, Lincoln said, "Thank you, Mr. Booth," recognizing Edwin Booth instantly because of the actor's great fame."- Wikipedia
A Good One From Yahoo Answers
Once you've been alive more than a few decades you'll see that it has very little influence on your life. The only thing that changes is government gets bigger and bigger. The main issue for Repubs is abortion. How much has that changed in the last 30 years.Zip.My vote goes McCain because sarah is hot and worth looking at for the next 4 years. Other than that, no effect.
3 minutes ago
- 3 days left to answer.
Additional Details
44 seconds ago
That's right, no question, just ranting"
Friday, August 29, 2008
You Might Think
“I just left a sporting goods store and you would think that the number-one selling item would be plywood or potable water or gasoline right now,” he said. “Apparently it is AR-15s and .223 ammo. I watched at least 20 people buy AR-15s and cases of .223.”
"The Ar15 is the perfect weapon for hurricane aftermath,zombie apocalypse,or just relaxing and shooting a few groundhogs. God smiles every time someone pulls the trigger on one." For the coolest map anywhere to track Tropical Storm Gustav. It actually looks like the Houston area has the highest likelihood of getting hit.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
On This Day

From Next Blog Button Meet SKULL

We'll Believe
"I am surprised that James Carville could be married to a lying, piece of garbage like Mary Matalin. When a person engages in outright lies, I lose all respect for them. Their credibility is nil. To be married to a liar whose is unattractive as well must be tortuous."
A Matalin fan could/would say exactly the same things- just switch the names around.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Wednesday Digressions

- A corn flashback: A friend asked me once to house sit for him while he was out of town for the weekend, this was ok until I discovered it was in the middle of a 75 acre cornfield. Have you ever been in a cornfield!? There is a reason why so many horror movies are set in cornfields- they are spooky. A breeze blows and it undulates like a wave caused by some God-awful monster that's waiting for the right time to eat your face off. The worst part was when the sun started to set- your heart would just sink with it. The security light put off enough light in the right spectrum to make the edges eerie and highlight the waves that looked like the monster was peeking out at you. At one point I looked out and saw what I thought was a coyote, it had a familiar predator shape anyway, eating bugs (which the entire place because of the corn and light was crawling with) under the security light as I watched it spread it's wings hopped a few steps in my direction and flew away! It was the biggest owl I've ever seen. What was thing doing eating bugs under a street light? Was it too afraid to go out into the cornfield? The drive curved in such a way that every direction you looked was corn and it made you feel absolutely and utterly trapped. I was there for 3 days and 2 nights. I was completely exhausted when he came back.
- A nearly forgotten associated memory: There is nothing like fresh corn on the cob, I made it every morning and evening while I was out there among the corn. There is something about how the nature of the sugars in the corn change after picking the flavor begins to degrade very rapidly. Boiled in salt water add a little pepper and butter- wow.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Monday, August 25, 2008
A Random Blog
Dieses Wochenende habe ich in Dresden mit meiner Familie verbracht. Meine Uromi hatte ihren 89. Geburtstag und wir feierten ihn. Ich schlief bei meiner Omi und sie hat mir diese alte Handtasche geschenkt, die aus weißem Leder ist sowie zwei Paar Lederhandschuhe, original aus den 40ern oder 50ern.
This is an excerpt from a random blog in Germany it was called Simply Stylish. There was a picture of the girl but, it wouldn't download.
Here is a rough translation: "I spent the weekend with my family in Dresden. We had a birthday party for my great grandmothers 89 birthday. We stayed at her apartment. She gave me this white leather handbag and two pair of gloves from the 40s or 50s. "
Note: lederhandshuhe = leather hand shoe (leather glove) a glove is a hand shoe cool huh?
Dreamy Randomitions
Why are dreams the most interesting thing in the world to relate and the most boring thing in the world to hear about?
Had a dream also about a dancer. I couldn't see much of her but, she wore a baby blue dress, white pointe shoes and smelled pretty and smiled at me.
Two different friends in two different states have predicted I'd marry a dancer (not the pole dancer type) isn't that weird? I think I'll definitely perk up and pay attention if I meet a woman and she says something like,"The dance is my life."
Little kids are heat generators! Is it because they expend so much energy growing? It feels great to have the baby in the crook of my arm and drift off to sleep but, man we can wake up and he'll be so sweaty it feels like he melted there.
If a woman is pretty decent looking and a redhead guys will go crazy and think she's awesome. If a woman is plain-ish and a redhead blah, they'll think she's dog ugly. After a group of guys I was around came to this conclusion I ask guys since when I think about it and it's true for basically 100% of them.
Mondays Missives

- I've started watching Perry Mason on, I'd forgotten how great that show was.
- I hated it growing up- mom watched it and I missed The Dick Van Dyke show or something as a result. Later in life it would come on about the time I would pick my girlfriend up for lunch in college. There would always be this same girl in the dorms living room finishing a soap when I'd get there, then she'd put on PM and we'd watch part of it together before we parted ways for lunch.
- I looked up Raymond Burrs bio- I didn't know he was homosexual. I'm curious to see if he ever has a girlfriend in the series and also whether he ever loses a case.
- I thought Della Street his assistant was beautiful when I was a kid. He had an Orchid farm and cultured a certain type of orchid he named Barbara Hale after the actress. In the 20 years his nursery was opened it was responsible for bringing 1500 new varieties into the world catalog.
- Burr was shot in the stomach in WWII on Okinawa. He did newsreels for the troops in Vietnam where he acted as though he was talking to a troop personally giving encouragement and sending the best wishes of the country he'd then sit down under a shade tree and read a passage from the Bible. Pretty simple, pretty powerful stuff.
- His office in downtown LA was in the Brent Bldg. His phone number Madison 5 1190.
- The show ran for ten years and only shot one color episode.
- From the very first episodes a lot of scenes were shot outside- not just on sets either, out in the real world, it's interesting to see the old cars and different architecture of buildings.
- I'm curious to see how much and in what light black people will be portrayed in the coming episodes.
- William Talman played the DA he opposed and was the first actor to do an anti smoking PSA- while he was dying of lung cancer.
On This Day In 1718
Another First For T.R.
PS: Maybe it's just me but, couldn't they have thought of a better name than Plunger?
Sunday, August 24, 2008
On This Day In 1814

Being headless did not keep Mike from putting on weight; at the time of his partial beheading he weighed two and a half pounds, but at the time of his death this had increased to nearly eight pounds." Wikipedia
Bonus: Although He travelled with a head as part of the display it wasn't his real head as it was eaten by a cat shortly after being separated from his body.
Saturday, August 23, 2008
A Neighbor Of The Woodland Realm
Friday, August 22, 2008
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Check Dam
I Once Owned A ZRX1100

On This Day
A Little Bit Of Heaven

I Remember

Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Monday, August 18, 2008
Mondays Missives

- I had toast with sausage gravy this morning while drinking a Dr Pepper. Extreme comfort food.
- I ate lemon pepper tuna and black eyed peas and drank orange juice yesterday, maybe that counteracts this morning breakfast.
- I have never owned a toaster- I use the broiler in the oven. I'd never thought of that before- I've never owned a toaster that seems weird.
- When I was growing up my friends mom always cooked a lot every meal but, especially breakfast. We'd go to his house when we skipped school and there would be leftover bacon and toast. We would eat that and it was the only place I drank coffee. I still like stale-ish buttered toast and coffee every once in a while.
- When I was in school, kids drank coffee in the lunchroom-kid you not- as in first grade.
- That friend and I were to start a used car lot in our hometown. We would have done great, I was at a loss when he was killed- he was electrocuted at work. I was in Germany when he died, I found out in a letter from my mother, it started out after a greeting,"I have terrible news". We had been planning for him to come over and I think he may have even already gotten his passport. God, I can still get sad when I think about him- in a way, worse as time goes by. Wonder why? Intuitively, it seems like time should soften the blow to where you feel very little. I think about him less often but, the thought can still hit me hard. I've only gone to the cemetary twice, once I was there for another funeral and bumped into his mother and she took me over to see his grave another time it was snowing and I couldn't find the grave.
- I got back in touch with his mother a few months before she died and we visited several times. I think it was good for both of us.
- Just had another memory of that friend, there was trouble at his house when we were probably 10 years old. He ran away to my house, I slept in the backyard in my hammock and he slept in an old Studebaker car of my dads. A thunderstorm hit about 2 am and I ran in the house. I can see him sitting up in that old car looking around silhouetted by the lightning as I ran into the house now just as plain as the night it happened.
- The picture above is of my childrens grandfathers horses in the pasture by the house. Quite a view huh?
Click to enlarge and be jealous.
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Close Encounter?
As we watched 3 of the same apparent size and altitude came into view. They reflected both a silvery and gold glint maybe only slightly brighter than the satellites we had been watching. They flew from our right to our left in a sideways loose triangle formation. The lead stopped dead, the second went to it and the 3rd stopped short. After the first two were halted several seconds side by side, the first shot into space and disappeared, the second did the same after 1-2 seconds disappearing at the same apparent point as the first. The number 3 craft leisurely made a heading for where the first 2 stopped curving slightly to intercept the point where the first 2 had stopped then shot out into space and disappeared.
Everyone there saw this and all saw the same thing. In one voice everybody that had been listening to the MI guy said,"What was that?" He said,"I don't know, I have no idea but, if you tell anyone I saw it, I'll say you are a liar."
That is my UFO story.
click to enlarge and believe
A Prediction

- The time will come when capped off landfills will be extensively mined for the buried resources.
- Yes, I know that methane gas is already commonly extracted, it's one of the uses that causes me to make the above claim. What I mean is we'll see full scale efforts to take metals (for one) of course when standard extraction of raw materials becomes too expensive but, they'll be taking gasses and other components we may not even be familiar with for purposes we could only guess at now. There is a tremendous amount of energy potential in the giant landfills across the US.
- It will be more common as robotic technology becomes more sophisticated (especially sniffer tech.) and cheaper.
- The National Elephant Center is on a landfill site owned by Waste Management with elephants arriving late 2009.
- Already parks, housing developments, industrial parks are planned in other areas over closed landfills.
- When the public learns extractors are wanting to come in and exploit some of these sites communities will protest- so in essence instead of saying "Not in my backyard" to a dump as we've often heard in the past, they'll be saying, "Save Our Dump!"
The above picture is a landfill that's been converted to a wildlife preserve. Look here for other examples.
From Comic On Laugh USA XM
A Fairly Profound Thought
"Asking this thread to not get too political is folly, but I only ask more light than heat; pretend this isn't the Internet."
My Eldest Spawn

When I was a kid out on my bike I saw one of our towns rich guys on a mobile phone in his car at his wifes business while I was out on my bike. Being the goofball I was, I went up and talked to him. He was more than happy to tell us how it worked and showed us the phone part which was a traditional old phone looking white receiver with a spiral cord going down to a box mounted on the floorboard. In the trunk was a unit that was big as a microwave. I think this would have actually been a radio-telephone. I thought he was almost like a movie star.
My son stopped there while I was walking the baby and talked for a minute then some girl called and he rode out of my life for the afternoon.
Soon enough the same will happen and he'll ride out of my life basically forever.
From The Detritus Of My Past

Click to enlarge
Saturday, August 16, 2008
I Remember It Like
Viagra emails
However Mariano Mills says,"Win the ladies favor with Soft Viagra." I'll think about it Mariano, thank you for the unsolicited medical and relationship advice.
Friday, August 15, 2008
Afterthought To Todays Dispatch
It made me feel good to hear that.
Fridays Dispatch

- The headline this morning is- New Allegations Revealed In Dallas City Hall Investigation. I'm sorry, that is not headline news it's been standard fare since I started being interested in politics 25 years ago. I remember one of their councilmen pulling an Uzi in traffic once, another calling in death threats to her own answering machine from a brother in laws phone. They stayed on the council. I looked up one recently, she was the keynote at a big deal MLK birthday banquet. The Uzi man is still on the council. He obsesses over racial issues. Recently another councilman used the term "black hole" to reference how funds were being mismanaged, Uzi man freaked and demanded the phrase be changed to "white hole" the judge who is black backed him on the issue. Bizarre.
- I did a couple of jobs in Dallas. On one site in the 8 weeks I was there 2 bodies were found on the site. Not a day would go by a crackhead wouldn't stumble onto the site with a power tool or some electronics to sell. I saw one of our guys we called Foot (short for Bigfoot= Bad Man) speeding off from the site with another guy once. When I came over to where he had been and asked what was going on they said,"He gave some crackhead 15 bucks for a new in the box vcr, he was going to leave it sealed up but, decided he better open it up- inside there was a brick." They caught the guy and got his money back. I remember the guy he took with him wanted to rob the crackhead. At the time I thought that would have been pretty funny.
- I would hate for my legacy to be He was a crackhead .
- On another site Foot swung a foreman around on a chain suspended from the bucket of a track hoe. The force transmitted to the guy was unbelievable. He would swing up and out 30 plus feet. The inevitable happened and he couldn't hang on and he flew out and landed in a yard off site. Both of his wrists were broken.
- It was raining this morning, thank God. My yard is so dry you can't even walk on it barefooted. When I looked out I felt like I should have been some pioneer farmer on the edge of civilization drawing my overworked, tired looking- though pretty wife and my dirt eating children near, clutching my hat to my chest while saying, " Thank ye Lord for the rains which nourish our souls and quench our parched lands."
- My mom always said I was born in the wrong time.
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Classic American Literature
“Theirs was a New York love, a checkered taxi ride burning rubber, and like the city their passion was open 24/7, steam rising from their bodies like slick streets exhaling warm, moist, white breath through manhole covers stamped ‘Forged by DeLaney Bros., Piscataway, N.J.’”
From an AP article on MSNBC

You are seeing it first here, the Octo Grip Toothbrush Stand.
The advantages are clear: 1) It's always ready for use. 2) It stands alone to provide air circulation to deter bacterial growth (and not be in a cup with other brushes- sure way to get cooties) 3) Attach it to the mirror to remind you to brush those chompers after every meal.
I figure I can provide a retro-fit kit for any brush for about 7.50 (a bargain at twice the price we can agree I'm sure)
If only half the US population has the good sense to buy this product that will be about $1,125,000,000, I'm not sure but, technically I think that's termed a buttload.
My first priority will be to insure that my invention doesn't find its way to some public forum where just anybody can steal my idea and make the fortune which is rightfully mine then I'll try to secure investor interest and talk to trusted manufacturers.
Then, I plan to be ridin' a gravy train with biscuit wheels baby. Any hotties interested in getting onboard with a gazillionare and traveling the world in style (could I be lucky enough to find 1 on this earth?) let me know.
Georgia Bigfoot Hoaxers Dehoaxed
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Georgia Bigfeets

Give me a break.
Helena AR Madness Or I Didn't Think This Blog Was Going To Be A Political Rant...
- The following is another excerpt from the same article about the West Helena Arkansas curfew."As far as I'm concerned, at 3 o'clock in the morning, nobody has any business being on the street, except the law," Councilman Eugene "Red" Johnson said. "Anyone out at 3 o'clock shouldn't be out on the street, unless you're going to the hospital."
- Honestly, this situation is blowing me away- are the citizens of that city really as good with this situation as their leaders are saying? Does no one understand the truism "It could be me next"?
- I have and odd, reluctant respect for these leaders honesty though.
- Here is why this situation is so scary: "Originally, the curfew applied only to a high-crime, ten-block area of the city. However, on August 12, 2008, the city council voted to expand the curfew to any area of the city. Under the curfew, if local police find people on the street, they may stop them." This entry from Wikipedia is very telling- we don't want to see the Constitution pushed aside EVER because of what it can lead to in the future as much as much as damage it causes citizens directly affected in the here and now. Interestingly, the situation there escalated within in own boundaries to become more widespread than initially intended- in less than one week it went from covering a ten block area "under siege" to the entire city.
- If leaders ever use war euphemisms and they aren't actually talking about a war, you can bet they are intent on taking someones rights.
- Think it doesn't matter because it doesn't affect you? Don't worry, with that attitude- you'll be next.
If This Doesn't Scare You
Now if somebody wants to sue us, they have an option to sue, but I'm fairly certain that a judge will see it the way the way the citizens see it here," Mayor James Valley said. "The citizens deserve peace, that some infringement on constitutional rights is OK and we have not violated anything as far as the Constitution."
I weep for the species
Wednesdays Digressions

Over the past few days I've watched the entire first season of the Twilight Zone. I'd forgotten how many screen legends and generally well know people were on there. A single episode had Cliff Robertson, The Chief From Get Smart and John Astin- Gomez from the Addams Family. There are a lot of actors who didn't become legends but, their faces are very recognizable if you watched a lot of old television from the 50s and 60s.
One thing I noticed that I had never thought of before: I can tell the difference between episodes written by Rod Serling and others- the Serling episodes are almost always great and the others will be relatively lame.
Trivia I remember from way back- Serling was known for sweating very profusely, so much so he had to change shirts multiple time in a day.
I also remember people thinking he was some sort of Antichrist. I gave a couple minutes to trying to find something about this by using Serling Antichrist, I only found articles mentioning Serling but, the emphasis would be Obama as The Anti Christ
When I was a kid we had a black and white TV that for a long time if you turned it off it would take hours for it to warm up and make an image- we would just black the screen out and turn the volume down. Eventually it got to the point if it was turned off it would take days for it to come back.
We were poor.
I haven't had broadcast or cable TV in the house for 13? years. I watch DVDs and some shows on the internet. Burn Notice, Dresden Files and a few others on and now The Twilight Zone on
I have a new Panasonic 42 inch glass screen plasma HD TV that is 5 months old still in the box. I found it on sale when I was going to buy a motorhome. The deal I felt good about didn't happen and although I kept looking for awhile-and then with gas prices I thought better of it. I'll end up using it, though I guess it's weird something that is such an awesome example of something I enjoy (and people I know would nearly kill for) is just sitting there in a box.
I used to feel kind of sorry for some people who would go to sleep in front of a television. They seemed so lonely. I do it often now, although it doesn't just stay on all night- it's just something to do like reading which I still often do before I go to sleep. Would people feel sorry for me thinking I'm lonely? Pitiful even?
Television: Fewer things in this world have the potential for so much good and simultaneously so much destruction.
I know people who will say,"We don't watch the TV all that much." When I know it stays on all day and they watch hours of it daily.
I have probably donated close to 50 DVDs to the public library, it makes me feel good when I see one on the shelf that is there because of me. I wonder: How many people enjoyed it because they couldn't afford to rent? Did a family become closer for few minutes laughing together at a comedy? Have people learned alot from the documentaries? Will someome steal it and why?
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
An Interesting Thought
A Bugalistic Moment
Dallas Derby Devils