The headline this morning is- New Allegations Revealed In Dallas City Hall Investigation. I'm sorry, that is not headline news it's been standard fare since I started being interested in politics 25 years ago. I remember one of their councilmen pulling an Uzi in traffic once, another calling in death threats to her own answering machine from a brother in laws phone. They stayed on the council. I looked up one recently, she was the keynote at a big deal MLK birthday banquet. The Uzi man is still on the council. He obsesses over racial issues. Recently another councilman used the term "black hole" to reference how funds were being mismanaged, Uzi man freaked and demanded the phrase be changed to "white hole" the judge who is black backed him on the issue. Bizarre.
I did a couple of jobs in Dallas. On one site in the 8 weeks I was there 2 bodies were found on the site. Not a day would go by a crackhead wouldn't stumble onto the site with a power tool or some electronics to sell. I saw one of our guys we called Foot (short for Bigfoot= Bad Man) speeding off from the site with another guy once. When I came over to where he had been and asked what was going on they said,"He gave some crackhead 15 bucks for a new in the box vcr, he was going to leave it sealed up but, decided he better open it up- inside there was a brick." They caught the guy and got his money back. I remember the guy he took with him wanted to rob the crackhead. At the time I thought that would have been pretty funny.
I would hate for my legacy to be He was a crackhead .
On another site Foot swung a foreman around on a chain suspended from the bucket of a track hoe. The force transmitted to the guy was unbelievable. He would swing up and out 30 plus feet. The inevitable happened and he couldn't hang on and he flew out and landed in a yard off site. Both of his wrists were broken.
It was raining this morning, thank God. My yard is so dry you can't even walk on it barefooted. When I looked out I felt like I should have been some pioneer farmer on the edge of civilization drawing my overworked, tired looking- though pretty wife and my dirt eating children near, clutching my hat to my chest while saying, " Thank ye Lord for the rains which nourish our souls and quench our parched lands."
My mom always said I was born in the wrong time.
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