Thursday, December 9, 2021
Tuesday, December 7, 2021
Thursday, December 2, 2021
Thursday's Thoughts
- I like black eyed peas- maybe not as much as pinto beans but they are a pretty good legume.
- It would be very interesting to own a drone. It is a concern though- as I only see myself being satisfied with a hugely expensive- well known pro model.
- I think very often about a long ago friend who had CF. She, if alive would be around 50. I am afraid to look her up as she nearly has to be dead by now.
- It is now happened to me twice that my eye has been bothering me. I can feel something is in there but I can't find anything. On closer inspection- there is a eyelash in the tear duct of my left eye.
- The thing about life: once you get everything figured out and know how everything works- it's usually too late use that knowledge.
- I have never had truly terrible airline food. At worst- I have had some that was super adequate a time or two.
- Literally weird- I had forgotten how good Robin Trower is / was (I also forgot to look him up when making this post).
Saturday, November 20, 2021
T. E. Lawrence's Forward To The Seven Pillars Of Wisdom To S.A.
I loved you, so I drew these tides ofMen into my hands
And wrote my will across the
Sky and stars
To earn you freedom, the seven
Pillared worthy house,
That your eyes might be
Shining for me
When I came
And wrote my will across the
Sky and stars
To earn you freedom, the seven
Pillared worthy house,
That your eyes might be
Shining for me
When I came
Death seemed my servant on the
Road, 'til we were near
And saw you waiting:
When you smiled and in sorrowful
Envy he outran me
And took you apart:
Into his quietness
Road, 'til we were near
And saw you waiting:
When you smiled and in sorrowful
Envy he outran me
And took you apart:
Into his quietness
Love, the way-weary, groped to your body,
Our brief wage
Ours for the moment
Before Earth's soft hand explored your shape
And the blind
Worms grew fat upon
Your substance
Our brief wage
Ours for the moment
Before Earth's soft hand explored your shape
And the blind
Worms grew fat upon
Your substance
Men prayed me that I set our work,
The inviolate house,
As a memory of you
But for fit monument I shattered it,
Unfinished: and now
The little things creep out to patch
Themselves hovels
In the marred shadow
Of your gift.
The inviolate house,
As a memory of you
But for fit monument I shattered it,
Unfinished: and now
The little things creep out to patch
Themselves hovels
In the marred shadow
Of your gift.
Wednesday, November 17, 2021
Decatur Junior High Auditorium

The library had a real, stuffed bald eagle in the storeroom. It was ratty looking but, I was spellbound by the thing when I saw it while helping a teacher move some boxes. Wonder where that thing is now?
06162014 post,
08/2008 draft,
decatur jr high auditorium,
Monday, November 8, 2021
Monday's Missives
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The Family |
- I know people sometimes mock Budweiser beer but I promise you it used to be very popular among Germans. They would trade you a six pack of super good German beer for a 6 pack of Budweiser anytime and were absolutely flattered if you thought of them and gave them a six pack of Bud.
- My buddy in Germany was always running side hustles. He sold American booze and smokes to Germans and European fake Rolex watches to Americans. His dad owned a timber company in Humboldt County California.
- Last weekend (today is 02/04/2018) I saw somebody I served with in the war in a restaurant. We didn't speak. He looked old and tired and in no mood to act interested in anybody or anything. I felt old and tired and mostly only in the mood for a nap.
- Although less true for my dad- for being poorly educated both my parents spoke unusually well and seemed to have very good vocabularies- I wonder why.
- Exceptions: dad mispronounced Italy as Ittly, battery as batt-tree and Italian as eye-talian.
- I remember when it wasn't at all uncommon for people to actually wear gloves when they drove. My dad only stopped after getting a car with power steering. Prior to that he kept both cold and warm weather gloves in the glove box. The warm weather ones were nice and he was proud of them.
- I accidentally stiffed a server at my breakfast place one day. The following weekend I gave her a kinda OK tip- about right for the 2 meals plus a small amount extra to male up for being rude the weekend before (it still only amounted to about 20% tip for each meal and 2 dollars or so extra).
- She acted weird about it- making me feel uncomfortable and regret trying to be nice.
- I give up.
Monday, October 4, 2021
Monday's Missives
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Great value in a down bag. |
- Clean shaven or with a full on beard I look OK I guess but with just a few days growth I look like a haggard derelict and easily 10 years older.
- We lost a fantastic employee and I a personal work buddy last week and my heart is broken.
- I did not even like saying that out loud to you my Internet friend. It kinda tore at my heart strings a little to hear me say it.
- Yesterday 07/23/2017 I saw a hugely fat woman at LMWSP rub her right hand through her left armpit and then sniff it for all she was worth.
- Gag me with a wooden spoon- that was an epically nasty sight!
- A friend is so much smarter than everybody around him that 100% of the people I know that he knows (myself included- most of all) have a story about him making them feel dumber than a bag of hammers.
- It has been years since I had a dip of stuff but randomly I will think, Man- a dip of Copenhagen sounds soooo good right now... It is a such a powerful thought when it happens- I have been tempted to get out in the middle of the night and buy some.
I would have guessed this sign to be made of metal or at least wood as opposed to this dense foam. - An ad caught my eye a minute ago for a canoe that had been owned by a Rockefeller. It had sold for over 8000 dollars.
- Another canoe related thought: Preparation H was mentioned as a product I might be interested in inside another ad. Coincidence or did the Internet know roids are a common problem with canoe/kayaking and I have written about roids on my blog in the past!?
- Gotta be true right?
- The Internet is listening- always listening...
Thursday, September 16, 2021
Remember those days... Playing with mercury in class, lawn darts, candy cigarettes, the U-238 Atomic Energy Lab, the Johnny Reb 30-inch authentic Civil War cannon...
Monday, September 13, 2021
Monday's Missives
- This evening (today is 06/29/2016) on the way home from work I saw a lady hanging onto a post that supports a guardrail on I30. She was leaning impossibly out toward the Interstate. She was absolutely hammered. If she is still alive; I hope in the morning she reconsiders her life choices- all of them.
- Yesterday I saw a guy broke down on the side of the same Interstate. Today he was broken down again within 5 miles of where he was yesterday. That sucks. I hope tomorrow is a better day for him.
- Day before yesterday a patient informed me he has become homeless. I handed him a few bucks and wished him the best. He nearly started bawling.
- My last girlfriend is sitting maybe 15 feet away from me in a lounger by the pool. We are good- there is no hate but it is a sort of two ships passing in the night thing. Just some weeks ago there was time together- some plans; now she has her crowd over there. I have you dear reader.
- There has been a lot of reality for me in the past few days.
- She just glanced over her shoulder and smiled at me.
- I am listening to The Melvins on Pandora. They are the only band I can think of off the top of my head I would like to own everything they have ever done. INXS, Joy Division and New Order are others.
- Former GF and her friend are taking selfies together and laughing too hard at each others lame jokes. She is trying to make me jealous. It isn't working.
- OK- I give up- I'm going in hot.... If I don't come out alive- tell ma I loved her and I died a hero.
- Gov't Mule covers Etta James I'd Rather Go Blind
Thursday, August 5, 2021
Wednesday, July 14, 2021
Wednesday's Digressions
- While I am still a sexual tyrannosaurus- I no longer (or hardly ever) dream about sex.
- Among a certain circle at work we tell each other that we love the other person often. There is something in our free but reasonably judicious use of the phrase that compels me.
- I can turn green with envy when I see a pic of a soldier or see one in public. Honestly- I get sick to my stomach sometimes.
- What a gift to serve this country and get paid for it- that concept still blows my mind.
- That was the one thing I was going to start what I finished and I did not get to finish.
- My truck transmission stalled so bad leaving a green light on the way home this 06/12/2018 evening that when it finally kicked in - I thought I'd been rear ended.
- Torque converter failing sounds familiar.
- Longest time without a cel phone? Over 3 years. My children's flesh mother could reach me immediately for emergencies- but (except for office hours) I wasn't going to be the one to answer. It was heaven.
- Another cel related thought: I will contemplate it but on this first reflection- I think I have had in my life an oddly low number of cel phones for somebody my age who was also a reasonably early adopter.
- I have never been to a Subway drive through. No never- not in my life. For that matter- I am only reasonably sure they exist and could not tell you where a drive through Subway is located.
- The preceding is in spite of the fact I eat at Subway(s) multple times a month.
- The more I think about it; some do have drive through- right?
- I literally Love The Tragically Hip.
Monday, July 12, 2021
Ages Old Draft Clean Up Post

- Occasionally in my hospice nursing when I'm relieving another nurse she'll say something like, Oh, I've heard so much about you! and want to draw out report and visit and obviously try to figure out what makes me tick.
- I don't fall for it anymore- they are trying to steal my Mojo.
- Hospice nursing is the best nursing ever for the simple, relatively ego less exchange of teaching between nurses to improve patient care- hands down, no discussion. It's one aspect that would make it hard to leave if the time came.
- The adolescent deer is still living near the pond. If the water holds I will put a mineral block out to keep it going until the acorns and pecans make. There is a little browse and will be plenty if we get a little more rain which will come. Then we'll get sick of all the rain...
- It's the reddest white tail deer I've ever seen with an unbelievably long tail.
- My teenager bumped the thermostat down so low the other night Zac woke up crying and felt cold as a dead person. My back was aching and I had to get in the tub to get the knots out.
- I still love Pinky And The Brain and The Animaniacs.
- Remember Rudedog?
- The other day it crossed my mind and 15 minutes later on the way to town saw a pickup I'd never seen before with RUDEDOG in vinyl letters across the back window.
- In nursing homes they always have Bob Hope, Randolph Scott, Laurel and Hardy, Abbott and Costello and John Wayne movies with titles like Road To Bali, Rio Bravo, Stagecoach, The Fighting Seabees and Africa Screams always among them. Twenty to Forty years from now it will be Pretty In Pink, Breakfast Club, Sixteen Candles, Ferris Buellers Day Off, Red Dawn and Young Guns.
- Interesting to come back and see this one- I haven't done hospice in years. We'll see where we are at when it publishes.
hospice nursing,
pinky and the brain,
rude dog,
Saturday, July 10, 2021
Monday, June 21, 2021
Tuesday, June 15, 2021
A Brush With Fame

At DFW airport I happened to drop my paper below eye level at the same time as the guy across from me allowing eye contact. I rubbed my eyes, took a drink, whatever before raising my newspaper up to start reading again.
I got a strange feeling I knew the guy-a teacher? Maybe a manager somewhere so I knew the face well enough without interacting with the person much? An Army officer from an old unit?
I dropped the paper again to try to sort out the mystery. He looked so familiar and when our eyes met he smiled from ear to ear and gave me a look that made me think he was enjoying toying with me. The paper went back up.
As I dropped the paper again to try and get a handle on who the guy was two guys came up to him with bottles from their micro brewery and said, Mister Harris, I'm so and so and this is blah-blah,would you mind autographing some bottles from our brewery?
Franco Harris played 13 years in the NFL as a running back most notably with the Steelers. He was teamed with the legendary Rocky Bleier
He always refers to that time as the day he flew on the same plane as Kevin.
Wednesday, June 9, 2021
Monday, June 7, 2021
Monday's Missives
- Thanks to Don and RPM for the reminder- RC Cola was the off brand soda I was thinking of that we drunk as a kid when we were even poorer than usual. It was a nickel and maybe a full dime cheaper than Coke or DP. We would sit on the step to Ray's in Decatur and drink them and turn the bottles back in so we didn't even pay the deposit.
- Thug friends once involved me in petty larceny there. When I wasn't around they stole a case of bottles and involved me in selling them back to Ray. I hated them for that.
- Only one of those guys are still alive.
- A lime green Aventador would be my Red Barchetta in the post driver controlled car world.
- Although I hear the name from time to time- I have no idea who Dennis Prager is. Recently though, I got stuck watching a woman speaker in an ad for whatever he was selling while waiting for a Youtube video. It was related to abortion and Planned Parenthood. Literally everything she said was either a lie, irrelevant or did not mean what they thought it meant.
Breakfast of champions. - Clowns may not be creepiest figure at a party.
Monday's Missives

- The question was asked when talking about steroids in pro baseball,"What if it were Nolan Ryan we're talking about?" The point being if you thought all the users are scum.
- Interestingly, if talking about football the numbers may not be all that high in my opinion but, in baseball the holy hand wringing- especially say- 10 or more years ago is very, very naive- I guarantee you essentially 100% used steroids at some point.
- I hardly ever get naive or guarantee correct the first time.
- My patient died this morning before I got to them. It's a relief sometimes when that happens- like cutting class- I break out a movie, a book, go for ride or whatever, kind of fun- playing hooky. But, I always at some point in that day think of the family and hope they are OK even though I never met them or their loved one.
- The best nursing facility I've been in with easily the best nursing, rehab and dietary department etc. was a dump- literally a dangerous looking place in a bad neighborhood. The one which has easily the most beautiful facility I've ever been in in North Texas always has such a blase' attitude toward their patients when I go in, it very much borders on neglect.
- I gave Zac a piece of peach to take his sister when I made his this morning. After he gave it to her he smiled real big and said," Are you happy sister?"
- My sister is wanting to organize a regular family reunion- I hope she pulls it off- they can be fun and important. When we had them in the past we did them at the Wise County Posse Grounds in Decatur TX which was cool since a lot of the family has or had roots there and the counties reunion fair is there annually anyway.
- Sad, how often we think about reunions at of course- funerals and every time we say we need to get together... there are fewer and fewer people you call family to pull together. I do like though that there would be people from all sides of the families- in laws and outlaws etc. who would feel perfectly welcome to come if we can pull it off.
- Supposedly, if I laid out my political beliefs for you and you were an expert in political labeling you'd stamp me a Libertarian.
- Although I'd have to ask,"Is there a such thing as a qualified Libertarian?"
- Anybody who doesn't see a bias in the main news outlets toward a liberal political view seems dishonest to me. If I could honestly call myself liberal in my political thinking my response to the accusation would be along the lines of,"Of course it would seem that way if nothing else- we're right."
- A standout example on this subject: recently a guy defended his family against a burglar with a baseball bat- his aluminum ally I remember very well it being called because I simply could not check the news without hearing about one aspect or another of that story. The homeowner broke the burglars jaw and he was found in a storage shed nearby.
- You would have never heard a thing about it from any of those sources if it was a pistol he used- and have to know I'm right.
04192014 post,
2009 draft,
Wednesday, May 5, 2021
Wednesday's Digressions

- "Kavya Shivashankar wins National Spelling Bee after successfully completing the "Fill In your name" portion of the application."
- Fark headline-
- I know someone who was referred to CPS for an injury their child received and which they subsequently sought treatment for but, this is not the point at which hilarity ensued.
- That started when the social worker came to the house and mom still had Child Abuser playfully written on her arm by a family member who had been teasing her mercilessly about the ordeal.
- The great grandmother whose funeral was held recently was posed with her head turned slightly toward the viewer and a faint smile on her face.
- Different.
- Love having a couple of old friends who were funeral directors- lots of interesting stories and inside scoop.
- An old schoolfriend was the funeral director for my mom. Who would have ever guessed when essentially our entire 3rd grade class once got in trouble for having a rock fight on the playground we'd meet again under such circumstances? I think the teacher must have ducked into the lounge for a smoke and the rocks went flying. It's a wonder someone wasn't killed.
- You're dating yourself I guess- if you remember teachers lounges that smelled worse than any bar.
funeral directors,
spelling bee
Monday, May 3, 2021
Monday, April 26, 2021
Mondays Missives
- "Thanks for being so nice to my mom and making a great burger." What her daughter said to me when she came up and hugged me the other day after I cooked out.
- Dateline did a story on a Denton TX cops murdered wife. The description said, "the forgotten murder..." Was it ever- I'd never even heard of the case. One thing that kept popping up was," not enough evidence, says prosecutors office." If it were you or me (assuming you're not a cop) they would have brought back hanging for the death penalty for us.
- My eldest has enlisted in the Army as an infantryman with Ranger option. I guess he didn't stand a chance being raised by me, his grandad and uncles. No, I wasn't a Ranger, but was combat arms (reconnaissance specialist) instead of just about any job in the Army which my scores would have allowed.
- We fed pizza to the ducks at Sunshine Lake yesterday. We brought chicken lunch meat but tossed it where mammalian life could find it later. It would have seemed an atrocity to feed a bird to another bird.
- I have never seen Footloose and that random thought about me is unlikely to change. For people who like it I would have assumed it to be a timeless classic. For people not interested for the past 30 years it seems unlikely a remake would change their minds- two reasons the recent remake seems odd to me.
- I think I may quit drinking coffee.
762011 1850,
lake pics,
poison oak
Monday, April 19, 2021
Monday's Missives
- We did not get to stay long at Spark In The Park this year. The first band was Josh Weathers. Man, he sounded good during his solo warm-up. The sound was clean and loud for the venue without overwhelming. They did I'll Fly Away early on which is not unusual in Texas for a band that does not hate Jesus. I am nearly certain I heard Willie do it once.
- However, I did not know it was gonna be all Jesus all the time.
- 15 minutes was plenty (or 30-whatever it was). Nobody is more down with Jesus than me but that was not what I was there for and as a bonus- leaving got us out of the insane heat and humidity.
- I saw a ridiculous road rage incident this evening on the way home. It was between a lady who if she was not 60 she was 70 and a male. She would not let him over and was on the phone in that, I am turning and leaning away from you simultaneously in an exaggerated manner- so you can see I am actively ignoring you...
- It just made me think she was positioning herself for an easy head shot when he finally snapped.
- Instead of road rage that incident was more of what mom would have called, A good old fashioned pissin' contest.
- Funny thing about those things though- nobody really ever wins and the consequences of them can be dire.
- I just saw a trailer for Blade Runner 2045. It did not spark an interest at all which I found both odd and surprising.
Monday, March 29, 2021
Monday's Missives
- The people who were ripped off by the Theranos lady did not deserve what they got (because you're not supposed to steal) but dang she looked crazy and what is with that phony timbre that she affected with her voice? That would have been enough to make me say meeting over- we are done here.
- Also, oddly her family defended her and said that was her real voice. Did she have them fooled also- or were they lying to protect her?
- I heard a human resources somebody from Wal Mart ask a potential employee over the phone what religion they were. I would not have believed it had I not heard it myself. It was one of the first questions she asked.
- It was so dumb and out-of-place that even the poor person being asked himself thought she said, region so he said Afghanistan.
- Yes as you can guess he was obviously Muslim as the person asking the questions on the phone also obviously presumed. I will now presume you know he did not get that job.
- My biggest regret from during the war? Behind our shower point was a large lagoon where they dumped all of the grey water from the showers and all of the poo water from everywhere else on the base. The crazy thing is that it was home to gazillions of birds. I saw a parrot and I think an Ibis near there and a medic buddy said he saw a parrot also. Every evening you would see flights of birds coming into there from every direction. I wouldn't go back there though because it would violate my rule of, Do to not stick my neck out unless I have to.
- It is December 15th October 2019 at 0547 hours and crickets are singing like mad outside. It is so unusual for this time of day I presume that it has some meaning to it like breeding time or weather a pending weather change or something.
Friday, March 12, 2021
Wednesday, March 10, 2021
Friday, March 5, 2021
Friday's Digressions
- I love the foibles of people who may be unAmerican but also happen to be fluent in English. Recently a friendly acquaintance was talking about a friend who happens to be able to grow things well. She attempted to use the expression green thumb. Instead, she reported her friend as having a, "good thumb..."
- Another person referred to her boring husband as being a, pickle bump...
- This morning (05/13/2018) I thought about one of the last things FG said to me, "You are going to mess around and lose me and I am one of the best things that ever happened to you." As I was pondering that moment in time I heard this song by Paramore.
- We loved Paramore and saw them live at least once at EDGEFEST.
- How to know you're getting old: while having lunch with somebody I asked about how long it had been since she went back to her country of birth. She replied, Not in a long time! Let me see... I guess I was 16 so... 9 years ago?! Was it a wakeup call that freaked me out a little and made me start thinking about hanging around women my own age? Nope. I didn't need a wake-up call in that context- I was already thinking of a way to fix her up- with my son.
- This morning (12/06/2018) a reporter on Fox News mispronounced Ibuprofen as Ib-Profen. Odd.
- I watched television for the first time last night in well over a year. Verdict: a literally horrific time waste.
Wednesday, February 10, 2021
Wednesday's Digressions
- Did I know Patrick Swayze wrote and sang She's Like The Wind? I don't think I did. Why didn't you tell me? His wife was the inspiration according to my sources deep within Wikipedia. Theirs was by all reports an epic love story.
- Another connected thought- now that I think about it, I was always sure Christopher Cross sang that song.
Ant lion (not his natural habitat). - Pandas are really, really dumb from an evolutionary standpoint and are their own worst enemies.
- Your new dream home is conveniently located in Muenster Texas and realistically priced for the discerning buyer...
- Nature- Animal Misfits- what I'm watching. It is absolutely fascinating and beautiful. It reminded me of of one of my favorite animals: the aye-aye.
- I wonder if Jaguar the car maker has ever done anything to promote the protection of the animal jaguar? It would dumb to be guilty of that sin of omission if they have not.
- For some reason I am not shocked (nor offended) Steve Jobs never did any charitable work worth acknowledging. Really, I would have been shocked if he were a charitable person.
A simpler happy time. She loved me more than I deserved and is maybe the only person I can say that about in my entire life. She is one of only a couple I can confidently say loved me at all. The idea was to make her look like a feminine smiley face not an angry yellow version of Meatwad. Anyway, she loved me. Amazing. - Last night (10/24/2014) I had dinner with friends at Fuzzy's. During the course of the festivities my memory of something was doubted. Our friend said, Ah, I haven't ever heard of it and I've lived there all my life. Causing me to say, Well, shoot. Let me text Noel and see what he says. He was there and he is the only person I know in the world with a better memory than mine. Noel's response and the Googleizer resolved the controversy in my favor- of course. Also on the plate was a simmering fight between the other couple. They traded barbs, jokes, stories and threats to leave (or kick the other out), requests for sex when they got home and threats to withhold same with equal offhandedness. She told stories about her boobies being the only good thing she got out of her previous marriage and he would indicate it was the only good thing he was getting out of his present marriage. I swear every time he left the table I wondered if he was coming back and was mentally preparing myself to take his wife home.
- Fuzzy's: Come for the tacos and borracho beans and stay for the white trash comedy.
- His wife and FG have declared their love for each other and intention to join the other team and forget about men altogether when we all walk away from each other.
- Jeff Buckley was singing Hallejuah as I did the dumb Paint GIF above.
Thursday, January 21, 2021
Future Missives
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Is it the wheelie bars or roll cage that attracts me more to this car? |
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It certainly isn't the chicks you would have to fend off with a stick |
- A clerk in a convenience store I was in the other day had OZZY spelled out across the knuckles of his right hand.
- Fantasy sports is a 1.2 billion dollar enterprise and rapidly growing- how very odd.
- I just heard the neighbors screaming at each other. They do that a lot. That nearly has to escalate to physical violence- right?
- Relationship pro tip: If out of the blue your significant other starts using mints or gum, is never without it, oddly makes a big deal about it and as a bonus, she asks you to pick it up for her she is either drinking, smoking or screwing around on you (maybe all three). I think they ask you to pick some up for them just to be more awful but I'm not sure.
1957 Ford- one of the ugliest trucks ever made. There are relatively few of them as nobody cared to keep them up and/or restore them through the years - Recently the Pope defrocked 400 priests for sex abuse. My first thoughts: How incontrovertible must those cases have been? I mean my God- was there video evidence in all 400 cases? Literally the tip of the iceberg. We'll never know the truth. The Catholic priesthood system is not only not Biblical, it is one designed to fail as it defies logic- literally all we know about human sexuality and interpersonal and societal relationships. You would not expect those dynamics to work in any situation outside of a religious context.
- A couple of days ago I inadvertently stumbled upon a page of reviews for my children's daycare as I looked up the phone number. All the reviews were negative and I can say with confidence they were all fake. On two of the concerns the truth is the place is very strong in those two supposed fail areas. Even if a person hated the place, if they were honest they would absolutely have to give them those. The claims were such egregious lies that I assume they were made by a rival daycare who obviously didn't know the inner workings of ours but wanted to play on parents worst fears.
- One of my offspring is outside playing. The other is on the couch with me watching some inane Disney show. FG is napping and as the above pics suggest I'm unsuccessfully looking for a new car.
- Today 01/18/2014 as I write this it is 1512 hours on a Saturday. I want to remind you I love you world wherever you are. I hope you and I are still around when this posts and all is as well as you could hope. Five years ago today things could have been better and that was all my fault. Things could have been worse and that is because of the grace of God and the goodness of people who love me more than I deserve.
- Signed Past Kevin
Monday, January 18, 2021
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Yesterday (06/18/2017) morning I could not figure out why I kept spilling coffee on myself as I walked Mineral Wells Trailway. |
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