Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Thoughts On President Obama- From Old Draft Clean Up Day

  • The Obama administration dropped it's European missile defense shield for a few different reasons (none of them based on good military or political policy) but, the unspoken one is the Russians would be more likely to talk sanctions against Iran- it doesn't work that way, sorry fans.

  • He is in a terrible, unwinnable I think political fix on Afghanistan. We've heard Gen. McChrystal wanted 40,000 more troops. It's coming out now that he feels he really needs 80,000 but, it was thought the 40k number would be more palatable to civilian leaders and more attainable. There's no stomach for an expansion in his base. The war will be lost without the expansion- there's simply not enough troops for the mission. As soon as that war is declared unwinnable or as soon as thousands more troops are mobilized he's sunk- politically dead in the water.

  • Funny, how Afghanistan could (or has) become the Vietnam so many were screaming Iraq had become.

  • The recession is dragging out only because business knows health reform will be harmful to some businesses, disastrous for some but, no one knows to what extent it will cost the economy. This is another factor that guarantees the recession will drag on for a while- even once it's passed investment will be reluctant in business expansion and the markets.

  • They should be ashamed to try and saddle us with this at this time.

  • I don't like hearing a detractor speak of him as Obama- like it or not he is The President.

  • I like it even less when a fan speaks of him as Obama to try and cut down on the adulation factor- we can see right through that.

  • He really, really shouldn't have campaigned for the Olympics and it shows how naive his administration is- Chicago was not going to win the bid and it's just another in the loss column for him.

  • Wonder how much that flight cost?

  • The vacations he's taken to reward his base for their support during his campaign has cost the taxpayers nearly 2 million dollars. If this is news to you, you gotta know you wouldn't have learned about it from some weirdo on a blog if he was a conservative- you would have been awash in the news from every source in the world.

  • You know I'm right.

  • I finally watched the speech where he apologized for our arrogance etc. I thought I was going to be sick if for no other reason that it showed some incredible political naivete'. He was in Europe- France to be specific. No problems we have or have had in the past with France have anything to do with our arrogance and these kind of apologies don't do anything but, make a leader and by extension his country look weak. So, he didn't help us a bit by putting us down in this public way in Europe where the only people with problems with the US are European liberals not the governments but, I can assure you it made us look weak to our real enemies. Maybe it shouldn't be that way even but, it is.

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