Wednesday, March 5, 2014

  • It seems generally accepted the Ukrainian opposition movement financed the snipers who were killing folks in Kiev. I simply knew it beforehand and I believe it is the only logical explanation. When I first heard the numbers of people dead my first thought was, No way- those numbers are inflated to get people engaged and enraged. Then I saw the videos. People who while maybe up to no good weren't threatening a building or dismounted cops or troops were getting dropped by shots from very far away. People were getting engaged rescuing wounded people, Cops were down and obviously dead and their bodies obviously abandoned- a dead giveaway it wasn't their side and the shooters were as dangerous to the cops and government troops as anybody.
  • Putin is a Cold War warrior and we can't forget that. Not only is he an ex KGB man he was on the losing side of a war and nobody forgets losing a war. It is even rare to meet somebody who is totally over it and doesn't secretly hope if not for a do-over, a chance to put some distance behind him from a humiliating loss by being a winner in the battles of today.
  • Another thought on Putin: he was and is not a true believer in Communism (pronounced Comminism) but he is a believer in his part of the world being unified and Russia over all. He isn't going to watch his sphere of influence dwindle without a fight and especially when it is being fomented by people who want closer ties to the West.
  • Ain't gonna happen.
  • We will learn more about the motives of  the Ukrainian opposition and my guess is at the highest levels it isn't good. The temptation is to believe it is people who want a better economy etc. but the leaders motives might not be so be so pure.


Unknown said...

The tendency of some on the Right and many of my international Lefty friends to glorify Putin simply because they don't like Obama is troubling to me.

As with Syria, there seems like there IS always that possibility that nobody on either side of a conflict is very "good." But people always want to name the "good guys" and root for them.

Regardless of who he dislikes in Ukraine or the US, I get a bad vibe off Putin, and my vibes are rarely wrong.

an Donalbane said...

Well, the Ukraine girls really knock me out - they leave the West behind.

Actually, I don't know that I've necessarily met any Ukrainian chicks, though I have been to Москва and Санкт-Петербург.

Daughter attended a Girl Scout "World Thinking Day" last week. When I picked her up after, she had a tote bag stuffed with trinkets representing about 20 different countries. At dinner she asked me about a bright coin.

"Oh, this one? That's a Russian ruble." I Googled it and found that rubles are now worth about 2.8¢. Later, when I dropped her off @ grandparents for the night, I had her show it to Opa (my Dad), who searched through some drawers and presented her with a 1970 minted ruble, with ol' V. I. Lenin's image - from back when the exchange rate was about $1.40/ruble. He also gave her one of his old business cards with his name and Austrian office address in English on one side, Cyrillic on the other.

Fun times.