Monday, March 3, 2014

The Afternoon Rant and Classic War Pron

  • Firefight just a couple of miles from my old base.
  • Just another day in the 'Nam.
  • The amateur hour continues: President Obama recently made some empty threats to Russia regarding military action in Ukraine. Well, it is gonna happen and there isn't a thing we can or will do about it.
  • We should ask ourselves, What would we do in a similar situation? We would have already secured the Baltic ports and ground routes to and from them and Syria and that is a natural fact.
  • Another good example: What would we do if Mexico's insatiable lust for drugs was causing the horror they have endured because of America and Europe's drug lust? We would have invaded years ago and still be losing people to IEDs on Mexican Highway 85.
  • I'm finished.

1 comment:

Capt. Schmoe said...

The Crimean situation is obviously out of our hands, I just want to know if the administration was caught by surprise and to what level.

Putin's actions and demeanor make it perfectly clear that he intends to do what he wants and that he feels the President is an empty suit that he can make his bitch.

I really don't know if the situation would be different if the Syrian problem would have been handled differently, but it had to have been a signal to Putin that he was free to make whatever moves he felt necessary.

I find Putin a very scary guy, I'm betting the Chinese do as well.

I sometimes feel like we are going to be the Brits of the 21st century.