Friday, November 13, 2009

Friday's Dispatch

  • Windy days get on my nerves and in fact I sometimes have to turn off ceiling fans.

  • Zac was asked,"What did you do today?" when he was picked up from day care- "I went to school" "Oh, yeah- what did you learn, baby?" "That I don't listen" "Why?" "Because I hit Albert"

  • This morning it was,"I'm hungry. I want a sandwich."

  • Did I mention he's two?

  • President Obama rendered a very good salute when he was present for the arrival of troop caskets at Dover.

  • People sometimes assume a general would always want more troops- no matter what. This is not true- more bodies equal more supplies and maintenance issues, more troops to cause political trouble if not kept busy and monitored with good leadership and all the problems associated with excess troops in a theater is exponential- twice the troops are more than twice the headache to maintain. Also, excess troops drain reserves for contingency plans involving other theaters.

  • I've never heard anyone mention the number one reason why Afghanistan would be unwinnable (if it is)- it's because they haven't been beaten by an outside, modern army. You are not dealing with sophisticated pragmatists who understand things will be better with time and effort. These people are primitive, tribalistic and stuck literally in a medieval mindset and way of life. A misplaced sense of pride has and always will keep them from moving forward even though they had a brutal, oppressive regime removed and a chance at a real future handed to them on a silver platter. Even though in this situation it isn't even necessay to have to mark something in the win/loss column (the Taliban were targeted not the people or even a legitimate government) most Afghan men do not want to be associated with being the first generation to lose.


MarmiteToasty said...

Well with severe weather warnings over here on the South Coast Of England and expected winds between 70-80 mph and torrential rain storms, with words of ONLY GO OUT THIS WEEKEND IF IT IS ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY... I think your nerves would be stretched to snapping point :)

Ada said...

I have to have my ceiling fan on every night. Sometimes the sweet husband likes to turn it off in hopes I won't notice. I do. Always. :)

I love myself a two year old and the things they say.

There is an at to saluting, isn't there?

Most importantly...thank you for serving our country, missed you on Veterans Day.

el chupacabra said...

marms- Still want to visit England and quite sure I will someday- will just have to check wind advisories!

ad rock- I hav a love/hate relationship with the ceiling fan. Definitely right on the art aspect to the salute. How it is rendered communicates a LOT.