The fact swine flu vax doses have been allocated for prisoners in Guantanamo Bay has some in the public and congress in an uproar. My thoughts: The vaccine will be voluntary for the approximately 200 detainees and I predict no more than 25% of them will accept. No more than a third of Americas 300 million people take the normal influenza vaccine anyway- will this one be that much different? Like it or not, they are prisoners- therefore in a very high risk group for communicable diseases.
You don't hear much in the press without some digging about the antics of the low risk profile detainees released from Guantanamo- wonder why?
Can't get that Ozzy Osborne song Perry Mason out of my mind after hearing just a line or two of it earlier.
Lots of headlines recently about docs travelling to China and other places to study nontraditional and eastern medicinal remedies such as acupuncture- ridiculous. For one reason everyone in the medical field (I thought anyway) knows that stuffspecifically acupuncture doesn't work- there has been literally millions of dollars spent on studies demonstrating that- so why the interest? The American public is so silly they're clamoring for the stuff and there's not only money to be made- they are already losing tons of it to non physicians or physicians from Asia. It's all reasonably low risk and insurance will be paying for it more and more as gullible Americans with nothing better to do than fret over something, then believe they were made better by having some goober push hat pins into their bodies or wave magic crystals over their body energy aura or whatever.
Ouch for the video............I get the feeling "Allah Akbah" means I am a target, shoot me? Or is my arabic a bit rusty? You can rant, silly it's your blog! Have a nice day.
Gia pet- Ha, I'm a target... very good, will remmber that one. Ah, the toads, yes, they are the first wildlife I introduce my children to and encourage them to come around with wet, wild looking patches in the flowerbeds and the porch light on an hour or two a couple of times a week.
Ouch for the video............I get the feeling "Allah Akbah" means I am a target, shoot me? Or is my arabic a bit rusty?
You can rant, silly it's your blog!
Have a nice day.
Oh and the frog? Its amazing!
Gia pet- Ha, I'm a target... very good, will remmber that one.
Ah, the toads, yes, they are the first wildlife I introduce my children to and encourage them to come around with wet, wild looking patches in the flowerbeds and the porch light on an hour or two a couple of times a week.
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