- While I am still a sexual tyrannosaurus- I no longer (or hardly ever) dream about sex.
- Among a certain circle at work we tell each other that we love the other person often. There is something in our free but reasonably judicious use of the phrase that compels me.
- I can turn green with envy when I see a pic of a soldier or see one in public. Honestly- I get sick to my stomach sometimes.
- What a gift to serve this country and get paid for it- that concept still blows my mind.
- That was the one thing I was going to start what I finished and I did not get to finish.
- My truck transmission stalled so bad leaving a green light on the way home this 06/12/2018 evening that when it finally kicked in - I thought I'd been rear ended.
- Torque converter failing sounds familiar.
- Longest time without a cel phone? Over 3 years. My children's flesh mother could reach me immediately for emergencies- but (except for office hours) I wasn't going to be the one to answer. It was heaven.
- Another cel related thought: I will contemplate it but on this first reflection- I think I have had in my life an oddly low number of cel phones for somebody my age who was also a reasonably early adopter.
- I have never been to a Subway drive through. No never- not in my life. For that matter- I am only reasonably sure they exist and could not tell you where a drive through Subway is located.
- The preceding is in spite of the fact I eat at Subway(s) multple times a month.
- The more I think about it; some do have drive through- right?
- I literally Love The Tragically Hip.
Wednesday, July 14, 2021
Wednesday's Digressions
Monday, July 12, 2021
Ages Old Draft Clean Up Post

- Occasionally in my hospice nursing when I'm relieving another nurse she'll say something like, Oh, I've heard so much about you! and want to draw out report and visit and obviously try to figure out what makes me tick.
- I don't fall for it anymore- they are trying to steal my Mojo.
- Hospice nursing is the best nursing ever for the simple, relatively ego less exchange of teaching between nurses to improve patient care- hands down, no discussion. It's one aspect that would make it hard to leave if the time came.
- The adolescent deer is still living near the pond. If the water holds I will put a mineral block out to keep it going until the acorns and pecans make. There is a little browse and will be plenty if we get a little more rain which will come. Then we'll get sick of all the rain...
- It's the reddest white tail deer I've ever seen with an unbelievably long tail.
- My teenager bumped the thermostat down so low the other night Zac woke up crying and felt cold as a dead person. My back was aching and I had to get in the tub to get the knots out.
- I still love Pinky And The Brain and The Animaniacs.
- Remember Rudedog?
- The other day it crossed my mind and 15 minutes later on the way to town saw a pickup I'd never seen before with RUDEDOG in vinyl letters across the back window.
- In nursing homes they always have Bob Hope, Randolph Scott, Laurel and Hardy, Abbott and Costello and John Wayne movies with titles like Road To Bali, Rio Bravo, Stagecoach, The Fighting Seabees and Africa Screams always among them. Twenty to Forty years from now it will be Pretty In Pink, Breakfast Club, Sixteen Candles, Ferris Buellers Day Off, Red Dawn and Young Guns.
- Interesting to come back and see this one- I haven't done hospice in years. We'll see where we are at when it publishes.
hospice nursing,
pinky and the brain,
rude dog,
Saturday, July 10, 2021
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