Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Wednesday's Digressions

  • You can tell a lot about people by how they treat animals, children, elderly people and people of generally lower social status.
  • Recently I accidentally added a year to my age when telling a story. For real- I wasn't trying to pad my age for the sake of a story or anything like that- I forgot. I had to pull out a calculator and figure it out.
  • I love the Jack County area and always have.
  • When my brain replays the footage of an ex trying to stab me to death with a pair of scissors- Joy Division's New Dawn Fades plays in the background. That song was not playing that day though. The house was actually dead quiet. For some odd reason my brain just decided to overlay that song as a soundtrack.
  • Weirdest thing about that day? She invited me there days after an acrimonious breakup. When I walked inside the house it was dead quiet- no TV and no radio. It was also spotlessly clean. In the front part of the house the curtains were wide open. In the back of the house where she tried to kill me it was totally blacked out- curtains were closed and the lights were dim.
  • Sometime ago I bumped into an old friendly aquaintence. The first thing that popped into my mind was remembering her story of being a surrogate for her sister. Supposedly, the insemination was by turkey baster on a dining table. Her mother, her sister and sister in law did the procedure. It was hilarious the way she told it. People would scream-laugh when she would go into the gory and weird details. My second thought after not hearing that story for 15 plus years? What a Liar. Oh, I know there was a surrogate birth for her sis- I'm just hung up on the insemination method. I would nearly bet my life the method was au naturale.
  •  If I wondered how I did with a smoking hot, funny and smart female at lunch recently all fears were set aside when she later said, What are you doing for lunch Wednesday or Thursday or Wednesday and Thursday for that matter?!
  • I have said it before but I will say it again- you are nuts if you look at pron at work. What an asinine way to lose a job or get into even a hint of trouble.
  • Da Kung-Fu Masta!

1 comment:

an Donalbane said...

That banana is at the limit of edibility - one more hour and all it will be fit for is baking banana bread.

When I was a kid in the mid-cities, we had friends with a weekend place in Jack Co. I think they had just under a half section, approximately 5 miles W/NW of Barton's Chapel, on the lip of the mesa. We had great weekends out there, riding motorcycles and horses, shooting and hunting. It was also cool because, if we drove out via 199, Dad would let me drive the K-5 once we got off JBH. A few years back I was out in that area, and noticed that the plateau rim is lined with wind turbines.

I have not yet been chased by a chick with scissors.

A very attractive woman, about three years older than me, gave me her business card (with her picture on it) the other day, unrequested, although I surmise she was trying to extend her contact network, not seek romantical companionship.

Cabela's or Academy are the only pron I will look at at work, and then only in moderation.