Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Wednesday's Digressions

A previously unpublished picture from WWI which started 100 years ago this month

  • We have a dog park in Weatherford now within another park. It has only been open some days as of this writing but already that end of the park smells like rotten dog crap. But hey, on the plus side they cut down down a lot of trees and poured concrete over some ground that was only being used by stupid wildlife so there is something to be said for that I guess.
  • There have been multiple people who reported being brought to tears when President Obama was elected citing pride that we could elect a black President. That is OK if that is what a person wants to believe, it just seem odd to me- he is half black anyway and maybe his being President actually shows a problem with our critical thinking skills and nothing more, something else altogether or nothing at all.
    My mom's old buffet that my sister had restored. On the top shelf to the right my dad kept a homemade barometer. It was made from two bottles one inverted into the other and the bottom one was filled to the opening of the top one with colored water. A pressure change would force the water from the bottom to the top bottle. When that happened we would go fishing- or was it the other way around?  Which ever way it was dad simply would not go if the barometer wasn't right.
  • Inevitably when I leave home with my camera I cannot get the lens right. I carry the lesser- I need more and vice versa. When I'm rich I'll carry both on separate bodies, while wearing a vest and boonie hat and look like a Vietnam era combat photographer.
  • The UPS guy just left my order. He looked like he was ready to burst into flames. I felt awful I didn't have a cold rink to offer him. My fruit was all melty and disgusting but delicious.
    Here, have a picture of a cat riding  a Pegasus
  • The story of Phineas Gage has intrigued me since I was a boy and we continue to learn more about his case all the time. His skull and the bar that passed through his head are both in Harvard's Warren Anatomical  medical collection.
  • Yes, I know I have mentioned him before. Hey, I said the story intrigued me and anyway, I saw a show yesterday (07/25/2014) that highlighted his case.
  • Black Sabbaths Paranoid has been playing in a loop in my brain for 24 hours.
  • Shoot me.
  • The coverage of the war in Gaza proves my contention we will believe what we want to believe and base our perceptions of  military action on politics- not evidence. There have been multiple reports showing Hamas rocket launches from a school. The reports will show the launches yes but spend 10 times more time highlighting the civilian casualties near the school after the Israeli counterattack. The counterattack was well- a counter to an attack. The most perplexing thing for me on this subject is people who would be going beserk if Bush was in office aren't making a peep about our alliance with Israel and the people regardless of their political leaning calling for cease fires would be demanding that Palestine be flattened if it were the US they had been rocketing.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

If I were a 70-year old black woman who had lived through the civil rights movement, I might have been more emotional about President Obama's election than I was.

Of course, in 2008, the Democrats could have run Mike Dukakis and still won.

But results matter, or should.