The best war movie scene ever. A good reminder of how beautiful war can be when executed properly- especially if set to overwrought boom crash opera music. This movie was a very loose adaptation of Joseph Conrad's Heart Of Darkness- a good book if you get the chance. It was known for and is still both goofed on and used as an object lesson in film schools for being horribly over budget and generally out of control. Millions of feet of film were shot including the ritualistic slaughter of an actual water buffalo which didn't endear the production to animal activists. Marlon Brando showed up for filming grossly overweight and Martin Sheen had a heart attack on set- to demonstrate just some of the problems related to the filming of Apocalypse Now.
Anyway, if you have time at least pick around and take a look at this very realistic portrayal of an 1/9 Air Cav assault on the enemy in Vietnam. The 1/9 Cav is a real unit of the 1st Cavalry Division who lost over 5000 men KIA in Vietnam with over 25,000 WIA.
"I love the smell of napalm in the morning... The smell, you know that gasoline smell... Smells like, victory"
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