Monday, July 8, 2013

Monday's Missives

  • Went to the roday-o last night (06/14/2013). A good time was had by all. We dropped Zac into the arena for the goat scramble where he promptly disappeared. I mean gone- alien abduction, disappeared gone. My intention was to keep a laser eye on him and ignore the other 200 crumb crunchers then scoop him out when they were finished terrorizing the goats. Yeah, that lasted about 5 seconds. The first cop we came to was typically unhelpful since he couldn't take our money with a ticket- yet. We ran down to the announcers booth but the old wino goob there in the yellow usher company shirt would't let us in. Finally, they called out Zac's name over the PA and a clown carried him across the arena while the announcer pointed us out to the crowd and they played Vangelis's Chariots Of Fire on the sound system and the clown ran in slo mo with Zac in his arms.
  • It was hilarious. Really- even though it was at my expense- it was a pretty good bit. Zac crossed his arms when I picked him up and said, Aaaargh. This is embarrassing! Don't sweat it little brother- life will bring you much worse. Put your arms down and hold your head high and lets walk through here like we own the place. was my advice.
  • Another funny: a lady said to us when we picked him up, Oh well, better luck next time!
  • I feel loved for the first time in my life. I'm not going to throw it away but, yeah- it is disconcerting.
  • I kind of jumped out my nursing buddy at work today (06/13/2013) after being frustrated secondary to not being understood on something I was trying to explain to her when she called me on something. It is a sure thing I was also being defensive as I was slightly in the wrong. I felt horrible afterwards. It was compounded by the the fact there were nurses not on the in present to hear my outburst.
  • Also today; I saw a woman get mad at somebody in front of her in traffic. She floored her ridiculous looking little car and tailgated the person for a mile or more while she shook her first and raged.
  • It is a miracle more people aren't killed in road rage incidents.
  • Tailgated is not flagged by my spell check. That is sad.
  • A wise employer would run his business more/less along the lines of a military unit and strive for an employment rate of at least 40% military vets. He would pay a good average to a little a more than the average salary but have great benefits, specifically emphasizing retirement. There would be a mission statement, goals, training programs and an emphasis on health and fitness. There would be an occasional (and deserving) dirt bag drummed out to remind everybody it could happen. Said employer would never get sued, have the lowest operating costs in the business and the place would basically run itself.
  • PS to any that might say, But what about some guy with PTSD shooting up the place!? You are retarded and need to assess your world view as you believe all kinds of odd things the TV and internets want you to believe.  

  • This plant intrigues me

    Ancient bat roost in Natural Bridge Cavern. It is over 5000 years old.

    Lantana- one of my favorite flowers.

    The official Texas thistle (not this particular one dum-dum- the species: cirsium texanum)
  • Sisters Of Mercy cover Knocking On Heavens Door.


RPM said...

The last few companies I worked for didn't care one iota about anything but profit margin. Employee retention was a non-factor. There would be another warm body thru the door. Benefits (i.e. insurance, vacation, overtime) were a burden they were saddled with by law and if there was any way to cheapen them, they did.

They didn't give a rat's rump about their customers or community, either. Case in point... We used to deliver groceries to Senior Citizens one day a week until the owner learned the delivery guys were getting tips from the Little Old Ladies. They immediately made it against policy to accept tips and started charging a $20 delivery fee per order. If they had money to tip, they could pay that to the company. It was one guy pulling all the orders and using his own car to deliver them.

The company name rhymes with Marketplace Grocery.

an Donalbane said...

This plant intrigues me.

No botanist I, it appears to be a close relative of the singing bush.