Monday, July 15, 2013

Monday's Missives

  • My new swim trunks are OP brand. I remember when that brand was hot. Today, it is all over Wal Mart. That is cool since like a lot of big brands that sell out (or whatever you want to call it) their prices go down and quality will stay good. They're very light and comfortable. I may wear them around the house.
  • Calling swim trunks bathing suits seems very archaic and obviously the result of habit.
  • When FG's stupid cat was a kitten it was very sick. To keep it engaged I would pick it up and encourage it to bat the pull string for the ceiling fan around. Today if I pick up the fully grown, healthy version of that cat and put him on my shoulder he starts looking around over our heads for a string to play with.
  • My kids were acting so badly today we cancelled an outing to a cowboy poetry gathering. I could not inflict them on anybody else and couldn't expend another calorie of energy fighting/correcting/cajoling/begging or threatening them. I literally gave up.
  • It is hot in the house but the thermostat is all the way over there.
  • I'm back. It is already cooler so worth it I guess.
  • Recent headlines: "Collins marches in gay pride parade" and "World reacts to Tebow news". I don't know what they're talking about (other than some vagaries gleaned by osmosis), could not care any less, do not know why anybody would care and think a lot of energy is wasted caring.
  • A pretty song- Soul II Soul Back To Life. I had really forgotten how good a song it is.

1 comment:

RPM said...

I rarely have to jack with my thermostat. Occasionally I'll have to turn on the bedroom ceiling fan if I sleep late because the morning sun hits the bed. Nature's alarm clock.

Other than that it's 78 summer/72 winter. My electric bill is usually under $200.