Saturday, March 23, 2013

Saturday's Situation

From a search for pictures

  • I'm listening to Kasabian Club Foot this morning. There are worse ways to start your day. Even their not so great stuff is OK.
  • We're still trying to make it to Sharkarosa. I won't link to it but you can look it up. Their site locks my computer up (no matter which I use) and when I get it rebooted I have to stop and dump a million cookies off it. 
  • It thunderstormed like mad last night and I didn't hear a thing- very rare for me.
  • I once slept like a baby 50 or 60 meters away from the firing line of 6 Howitzers when they fired 9 rounds on a suppression mission and later fired a few ilum rounds to light a target area. Honestly, I had no idea and only found out when I commented on the bleary eyes of the gun bunnies in chow line the next AM.
  • Have a great day. We're going to find some trouble to get into.


an Donalbane said...

Just glancing at that DVD cover, without enlargenation, my first thought was "Barry Goldwater was in the movies?"

el chupacabra said...

Don- Yeah me too! Interestingly, since I instantly knew who the main actors were without looking directly at them, my eyes actually went to Barry's pic first!