Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Wednesday's Digressions The Special Bin Laden Continues To Sleep With Teh Fishes Edition

"People sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf." George Orwell

  • Nightline has a pretty good preliminary report on OBL's death titled How They Got Him.

  • I look forward to the inevitable Frontline documentary on the subject. It will be titled Killing Osama How The US Took Down A Terror Mastermind.

  • I made the title up, but I bet they work parts of that in there somehow.

  • People who doubt he is dead will not be convinced with a picture, a copy of the DNA report, a video or being allowed to see the corpse.

  • I would dearly love to see helmet cam footage from the operation.

  • Some sources are now saying it was a CIA operator who shot him.

  • President Obama called Bush and Clinton personally to let them know about the raid.

  • Report are now a photo will be released of OBL's body with the gruesome aspects toned down by Photoshopping- bad, bad mistake.

  • "Great, does this mean we get to go home?" rhetorical question from a US service member at Kandahar Air Base.

  • No, Timmy- we can't go home until all the bad men are gone.


RPM said...

Our top story tonight, Osama Bin Laden is still dead.

Sherri said...

the lack of trust the govt has bred in the American people.... evident in all the doubt of Bin Laden's death... similar to Dave Koresh and many others...

and the death is only the beginning of much more to come i think... only a matter of time before the fall-out retaliation begins...

i'm no interested in seeing the photo but, like you, the footage of the operation would be cool t see

an Donalbane said...

And closing out tonight's broadcast, Mineral Wells' own Garrett Morris bids Mr. Bin Laden[loudly] "Good night and have a pleasant remora."