A friend-girl I hang out with some has a bad habit of pestering me about whether I've taken care of things I've casually mentioned I was going to do. Did you pay your insurance? Did you pick up your clothes? Did you...? Grrr- very annoying.
See the emu Zac? Yes! Why is she sooo big? I don't know. Was God trying to be funny?
Ever heard of a Hitler in golf? It's when your ball is in a sand trap and it takes 2 strokes to get it out- 2 shots in a bunker...
While hanging out with the other ladies at the park watching our children play I called out,"Hey, stop running with that stick- you'll poke your eye out!" to Zac and immediately said,"Oh my God- I don't believe I just said that. I mean holy smokes I just turned into my mother. "I followed that with, "I know you don't have scissors, but when you do- run with them and no matter what- lean back in a chair- every chance you get.
In the past two months I've eaten more beef jerky than I've eaten in the past two years.
Last text meassage I received: U will make any woman happy! I know U will have the perfect woman that U so deserve!!
No Man's Land Beef Jerky is the best jerky ever. I haven't found it around here but always stop for it when traveling through the panhandle.
What would the shot be called if it takes 4 strokes? I love the name for that shot, how perfect is that.
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