Yesterday Zac and I walked the trails at Holland Lake Park. We saw a girl walking a great Dane so stopped and chatted. We talked about his weight and age etc. She mentioned he was in training to be a therapy dog for nursing home patients. I started telling her about ours- how he loved that I slept during the day so he could pile up in bed and sleep all day, how he would jump into my lap and lay with me while I sat in the recliner, how he disappeared on 4 July when neighbors started shooting fireworks. And then as I looked down in his eyes it hit me and I blurted out,"Hey wait- this my dog!" then,"Goose, what are you doing?" and he smiled, stepped forward and leaned against me with all his weight (like he always did) to be petted. What could I do? He's more than well cared for and will be doing therapy work, but what a coincidence. I just wished them both well after I scrunched his head skin up to make his face look funny and then scratched behind his ears and his back right over his tail.
A friend who happens to be married called the other night. After a lengthy discourse on how sick of her husband she was, how worthless he is and how mad she was over something he did she said,"I want to come spend the day with you Saturday- want to hang out?" Now I don't know everything, but something tells me that might not be the best idea in the world.
I ate champagne grapes for the first time today- very tasty.
Zac griped yesterday about how the belts to his car seat fit. I explained they had to be that way to keep him safe in case we wrecked the car. He said," Well, then we could get a new car- a Jeep! Like that one right there."
Dollar Tree is a lot better than they used to be I think.
I feel weird nearly every time I'm asked my age even though compliments about how I don't look my age will nearly always follow- it just never sounds right to hear my age. We worry too much about that anyway.
Women loved to be told they have a pleasant sounding voice.
oh oh oh Im just so please that nuffin untoward happened to your dog when he ran away.... and that he is now having a lovely life - I dont know if I could of asked for him back or not....
my precious cat died Saturday, she was 15, she climbed up on my bed, snuggled in me duvet and just died.... I would of fought tooth and nail IF she had disappeared and I found her with someone else... I loved her so dearly.... and I miss her so much...
Dont just RUN from your female friend, but sprint or gallop or stick a rocket up ya bum to get you as far away from her as possible lol
Run brother, run hard my brother! She is poison, looking for another victim!
At least your dog was rescued and not put to sleep.
For your female friend... Run, Run like there's no tomorrow....
I second what Mango & Accomplice [Hey, Girl!!!!] said. R-U-N!
Re: your dog? "It's a Small World After All!" And man, you're a bigger man than I....I would've taken my dog back!!!
oh oh oh Im just so please that nuffin untoward happened to your dog when he ran away.... and that he is now having a lovely life - I dont know if I could of asked for him back or not....
my precious cat died Saturday, she was 15, she climbed up on my bed, snuggled in me duvet and just died.... I would of fought tooth and nail IF she had disappeared and I found her with someone else... I loved her so dearly.... and I miss her so much...
Dont just RUN from your female friend, but sprint or gallop or stick a rocket up ya bum to get you as far away from her as possible lol
Thank ya'll- really. You're right I'm sure.
Marms- sorry about your kitty.
The time to start complaining about being carded is when you stop getting carded.
To quote Bob Wills and Tommy Duncan "time changes everything".
On the "can we hook up?" front... RUN, run like Steve Prefontaine!
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