Yesterday Zac looked out the window of the car and said, "Wow, that's a big hand!" After a glance around and nothing big handedish being noted he was asked, "Where?" "Right there!" he said pointing to a big puffy cloud that yes- resembled a hand fairly well.
"The panther is like a leopard, Except it hasn't been peppered. Should you behold a panther crouch, Prepare to say Ouch. Better yet, if called by a panther, Don't anther."- Panther: my favorite David Ogden Nash poem.
"I always thought you'd be an explorer an adventurer or a mountain climber or something." That was the last thing my mom said to me. She wasn't being cruel or registering disappointment- just stating what she had thought. There's still time for me and oddly enough I've always kind of known if there is a way to make it happen I'd climb Everest.
Limp Bizkit Walking Away. A new, simply awesome song by Limp Biz. Yes, I said, "new" "awesome" and "Limp Bizkit" in a sentence.
On the road if you get behind one of the new sportier Volvo's they'll always drive fast, but safely.
In the movies if they want an automated door to open, close or stop midway they do the same thing- shoot the control panel.
In relationship to the femur, the tibia and fibula are too short on the female. The same is true for the radius and ulna in relationship to the humerus on the female. It ruins a piece of artwork, for me, when the artist gets wrong the proportions of the human form.
I have always thought people who climb dangerous mountains or take unnecessary risks with their safety and endanger others, for snits and giggles, are showing contempt and disrespect for the gift that is their life.
In relationship to the femur, the tibia and fibula are too short on the female. The same is true for the radius and ulna in relationship to the humerus on the female. It ruins a piece of artwork, for me, when the artist gets wrong the proportions of the human form.
I have always thought people who climb dangerous mountains or take unnecessary risks with their safety and endanger others, for snits and giggles, are showing contempt and disrespect for the gift that is their life.
That is a creepy pic. Wonder what the 'artist' is trying to convey?
Kind of an odd dude [the artist]:
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