Monday, October 12, 2009

Monday's Mustashiooed Missives

  • I have a thick mustache and almost always have- I had a 'stache before having one was cool.
  • Oh, didn't know mustaches are cool? Take my word for it they are.
  • It had 13 gray hairs in it at last count.
  • That was a few days ago- probably more now but, I'm not going to look.
  • I take a lot of ribbing for it- jealousy does that to people you know.
  • I get told I look like a porn star and told some 1970s baseball team is looking for their pitcher.
  • It's more fun to pretend I'm a fireman.
  • Woooo woooo. Honk honk- get out the way- the firemens are coming!
  • Someone once called it the Dirty Sanchez. I'm not sure what that meant but, it sounded pretty funny.
  • It got caught in the bristles of an electric toothbrush once.
  • Not as fun as it sounds.
  • And I do mean caught- as in I had to pull the hairs out to release it- my eyes are watering thinking about it.
  • It grows in crooked- like I messed up trying to trim it.
  • That's how invariably I end up shaving it off until it grows back. I'll try to even it out, I take too much, Oh man, then I take a little off the other side, Crap, I take too much from that side. Pretty soon, I look like I'm ready for a white power meeting and have to shave the whole thing off.
  • Then I mourn.


Gia's Spot said...

What a great post!! had me laughing after a REALLY boring night! thanks!

an Donalbane said...

Time to make the doughnuts...

mzchief said...

To I have never had a mustache but you certainly make it sound like THE fashion accessory of the season.

Ada said...

You kill me. Seriously.

And I don't want to bring the funny Mr. Mustachio post down, but you should google dirty sanchez. Yikes! I thought it was something but not that. Sorry.

You should definitely use manual toothbrushes from now on. That made my eyes water.

My absolute fave part is the 1970's pitcher. Looooove it.

YM said...

Brown Chicken Brown Cow

YM said...

PS I'm picturing Mark Spitz

MarmiteToasty said...

*cough* dirty sanchez you so dont wanna know lol and the only reason I know what filth it is, is cos there is a telly programme called that over here and its some idiot welsh retards doing stupid stuff a bit like JackArse only totally over the top stupid and often disgusting (after catching a snippet of it once, it is NOT allowed on our telly if Im in the house)... and not knowing what the hell 'dirty sanchez' meant (me thinking it was welsh) I had the misfortune to ask someone LMFAO....

Dont know why, but I never envisioned you with a tash :) - I had a friend once who had a tash, she had to have it electrified off LOL...

I was beginning to worry about you, cos of no posting... phew... can stop worrying now...


MarmiteToasty said...

ps.... I did giggle all the way through your post lmao... I love how you write...


MarmiteToasty said...

pps..... least ya didnt get ya electric toothbrush caught in ya pubes lol so just think, it could of been worse lol


MarmiteToasty said...

ppps..... one of my sons has just said that a friend of theirs has a real tattoo of a tash on his finger and holds it up to his top lip sometimes to make it look like a tash.... a little like the one in the photo, except it is more like a hitler tash... when the said lad has been here in my house I always though it was a huge bruise on his finger but didnt like to enquire :)


Anonymous said...

Hehe...Dirty Sanchez is not really that cool to have on your

an Donalbane said...

A friend was telling me the meaning of that term [DS] a couple of months ago. I have since forgotten it, but my recollection is that at the time I thought "I'd rather not have known this."

Thus, I shan't google it.

Sometimes I am glad when I forget things...