Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Deep Thought

If any man says he hates war more than I do, he better have a knife, that's all I have to say


mzchief said...

Everyone, who has been to war, hates war. There are the psychopaths who claim to enjoy war but they are the exception, right?

Opus #6 said...

My second husband claimed that he was disappointed there was no war during his term of service. He always wanted to know what it felt like to kill someone. He was one sick bastard. There is a reason we are no longer together.

Gia's Spot said...

Amen! (on hating war....)

el chupacabra said...

Getting ready for work- quick thought. The most regretable thing about war is the civil population suffering especially sice in modern history many more civilians die that military.

War is thrilling- those who poo-poo this and downplay how good it can feel are being dishonest and don't want to look "psycho"

To volunteer for a war is to do something that in past generations men had to be forced into- inherently brave.

Those who protest wars (men) I'm quite conviced are working from a sense of shame over their debilitating cowardice and sense of loss over not going to see the elephant when they had the chance.

To survive is to know a taste of life others can only guess at.

If everybody hated it- you'd have a whole lot more quitters instead of guy hiding injuries to redeploy, leaving their families, throwing careers away etc to do it right?

YM said...

I'm not a malicious woman and I will strike down the first person who says that I am.

el chupacabra said...

my queen- ha! the 'getinit' prize goes to you girl.

ps, when my ship come in i'm buying you a house- ok?

mzchief said...

To Chupacabra...
My brother is a West Point grad and a Lt. Col. (recently Col. select #820) with 16+ years in the U.S. Army who has spent 6 of the last 10 years deployed to a war zone, 3 tours/4.5 yrs to Afghanistan and nearly 18 months to Iraq (still there). He loves being in the Army and serving his country. He loves blowing up stuff and the adrenalin rush associated with his job. He does not enjoy killing people even though they are known threats to our nation. He hates war and what it does to ALL people who are required by choice or circumstances to be participants of war. According to my brother, troops who actually enjoy war are defective and have no business in the armed services or ever in a position of power/authority.

YM said...

HAHA are you buying lottery tickets? Do I get my house before you get that motorcycle? ;P