Sunday, May 10, 2009

Sunday Afternoon Missives

  • Slept all day.

  • Feel great.

  • Had the most vivid dream about a friend. I was at an old asylum type hospital that had predictably quirky doctors and nurses. It was also predictably in the country with a wrap around porch, overlooking a lake with forests and mountains in the background.

  • An old, best friend was there- doing the catering. Recently we got back in touch for a while then lost touch again. We talked often for hours at a stretch, then nothing.
  • Why do we do that?

  • Sometimes you need those situations though to learn how important you were to people.

  • Here's what I mean. He was older, tough, smart, funny with a decent streak in a sea of thugs. He taught me how to drive after my dad died. I really looked up to him. When I look back at those days it's easy to shudder and think of all the wasted time. During one of our makeup conversations he said,"Kev, look dude you were so much smarter than the rest of us and had so much more common sense- if it weren't for you some of us would be dead now."

  • I'm buying a motorcycle this summer and going up to see him. I think I'd like to ride up north where he's from, see where SRV died (he lived about 2 miles from there when it happened) and just see what people are like up there. Ride the bike through Phillie, Boston and New York.

  • How does that sound?

  • Trouble.

  • He is disabled by a kidney disease.

  • Neither one of us could believe it when after not speaking for 15+ years I blurted out," I'll get tested for compatibility so you can you can have one of mine. Just tell me when and where."

  • I meant it- he knew it.

  • It's Mothers Day- man, I miss her in a way I can't even describe but, the words that come to mind are empty and alone.

  • My present patient will die tonight.

  • His family has told me I'm "like family" and asked me to come to the funeral and dinner afterwards.

  • There are lines to not be crossed no matter how much we may have become entwined in each others lives I believe.

  • Is there anything that it's proper to put ketchup on- besides fries?
  • A toilet paper roll holder got dropped down the toilet clogging everything up so we had to pull it to remove said holder. My oldest son did most of the work pulling the toilet out. He's in there now chipping up all the old ceramic tile so we can lay new down next weekend.
  • How many 15 year olds could/would do all that?


MarmiteToasty said...

Oh to sleep or day, how lovely to be snuggled under the duvet.. glad it refreshed ya..

I dont know why we do that, but we do and we wonder why..

See, you was even helping others way back then, only you didnt realise it... now that is special..

I wont ask who SRV is, you would say if you wanted to.. a bike sounds wonderful, my brothers both had bikes and to ride behind them, for me, was freedom for all its worth, sounds like it will be a lovely safe on it..

Im on the donor list, went on it when my friends kidneys and liver failed.... twas to late for her, but I might be of use to someone else.... so sad about your friend, and you are a true caring friend to offer yours without the bat of an eyelid... not going to eat steak and kidney pie no more :)..

Sorry you lost your dad so young, that must be hard, I know sorta in a strange about way how that feels through my sons father walking when my lads were 16, 14, 9 and 6 without a backward glance, they lost their father that day... it has been hard, I cant grow a beard and do everything a bloke can to make up for it...

You mum must of been quite a woman, sorry you miss her so.... I lost my dad and my mum within 10 weeks of each other and even though our relationship was not great.. the devastation I felt was far reaching as my uncle died inbetween and he was like a father to me... and then within 6 months I was alone to raise me lads alone - I envy those in a way that had a loving relationship with their parents, but in a nice envy way..

Oh my goodsness, the nippers are always dropping loo rolls (not holders) down our loo and Im always lucky enough to fish them out before the damage is done lol.... your lad broke the loo LOL... well they say its the 'throne' of the household...

Your 15 year old and my 15 year old must share the same genes LOL cos they sound similar in manner and thought and that helping knowing whats right gene..

Happy belated muvvers day to you dear chup, cos I know you are both a mum and a dad at times.... Ive seen the high heels LMFAO..

sorry about the waffling on your blob.... but its like a drug over here lol... I will try and do better infuture with one liners..


LandShark 5150 said...

I was down in Austin in the early 80's and met Stevie in a bar that had just opened it's doors, he'd been sleeping on the pool table. He was quiet the character Gentleman. When you get ready to buy, me has a buddy that can get you into a Harley full dresser 07, under 5k miles, for around 15k. Or if that is more bike than needed he has plenty of other Harleys of all sizes from sporter to dresser, 2k - the 15k price tag. There is some great riding up in the northeast. Good luck on the trip and give me a buzz if you are interested in a bike.