Saw a guy the other day who had a Third Reich symbol tattooed on his neck.
- It was done backwards.
The swine flu pandemic? As usual in these sensational stories we need some perspective. It started in Mexico and is believed to have killed 80 people and infected 1500. Mexico is a third world country with a population of over 100 million people. There are over 300 million people in the US and 20 cases have been identified. Most of the people who have and will die are the compromised- elderly, sick with other debilitating diseases etc. There will not be carts being drug through US streets with a guy clanging a gong and shouting,"Bring out your dead" over and over while most of those lucky enough to still be alive are too weakened to drag their dead children out to the cart anyway.
20,000+ people are killed every year in the US by influenza viruses. Just not scary sounding ones like the dreaded Swine Flu- they are normally referred to as "The common flu virus".
At this time I have 284 draft posts built up and 170 scheduled to publish.
They have caught multiple people in Australia for setting the wildfires that have killed nearly 200 people. In the US it's often reported the inevitable wildfires in California are set by part time firefighters to insure they get work for the season. I can understand (or at least accept) a lot of things I don't agree with but, my God, how could a person do that? Also, I bet it happens way more than we'll ever know.
Another component to wildfire stories here and abroad is environmental policies are often to blame because people can't legally clear fire hazards causing excessive fuel.
Still know only one person personally who is unemployed.
Scratch that- she is working now.
The last lot in my development must have sold- I noticed fresh flagging from the surveyors.
I could have bought it for a highly reasonable offer susceptible 16,000 dollars when I moved here.
The developer was in jail at the time.
Should have robbed a bank.
The last big attempt at pushing a diesel powered car in our country was in the 80s and it was a dismal failure yet diesel trucks continue to be popular and highly desired even among people you might not think of as needing one. Volkswagen's diesel Jetta is reliable, low emissions, quiet, comfortable, powerful and it gets nearly as good of mileage as a Prius with more interior room yet, people who could not personally remember the Oldsmobile diesel tuna boats from back in the day could not be forced into a Jetta at gunpoint because of the bad connotation of a diesel passenger car.
The other night I was changing the baby when I picked up a tube of what I thought was his butt cream- luckily for him I looked at it close enough to catch the label: Deep Heating Muscle Rub.
Something tells me I would have been explaining that one to multiple government authorities and mental health providers for years.
A few night ago I was stretching my back after doing my exercises. While on all fours on the living room floor the baby came up beside me lifted my pants up at the waist in the back, looked down them and said,"Ewww- poopy" and then busted out laughing.
Maybe he's going to be a comedian.
Some day I would like to meet some one whose blogs we've mutually followed not only to meet someone new which is always good on its own but, just to see what it would be like.
Apple slices and caramel dip are together again in my house- natures most perfect foods.
Recently a nurse from another agency made a very overt sexual advance toward me- very flattering, exciting and a little unnerving.
She took being forward to a whole new level.
I met RPM this Friday. I knew I would eventually meet him because of IGA.
Acco- That is cool. I'm curious and look forward to seeing what it will be like to just accidentally/incidentally meet someone local after figuring out who they are myself and really think may try to figure out someone else wherever they are who is curious about it also.
I'm not sure if what I do is considered blogging, but the next time my kids have one of their big bbqs I'll invite you and then see if you can figure out which one I am.
I met a lady once from a message board. She was from Australia originally but had lived in the UK before coming over to be with some guy she met online. She was one of the most colorful ppl I've ever met. She's since moved back to the UK.
Sounds cool my queen- fraught with all kinds of ways for me to make an ass of myself but, cool.
Idiot is right.
I awoke with a runny snoozle and a bit of a sore thoat, then heard about the swine fever, said to me lads that I have it and my Ben said, but you aint kissed no pigs mum and Sam said you aint been to mexico... so I replied, but I did eat a packet of mexican chilli crisps yesterday.
You actually have posts lined up to automatically post themselves? bloody hell, I dont have a clue what Im gonna write until I sit in front of the computer and me fingers then just type all the crap thats in me head lol.
Two of me lads were made redundant.. so I carry us all at the moment.
I would of lent ya $16,000 if I could of put llamas and pgmgy goats on it :) oh and a few chickens.
My last car was a 7 seater Renault Escape it was a diesel and it was way economical.... the car I have now is not.
LOL@butt cream. It would of been an honest mistake.
Kids aye... dont they say the most funniest things.... even though my lads are mostly grown, I love the little nippers I have in my care and the things they come out with..... I miss those little times with me lads....
Me and Jacob fly to America 18 months ago to spend time with a blobbing family... it was an amazing time, and 2 years previous me Sam and Jacob flew to Wisconson for 2 weeks to stay with internet maties where other internet maties from the same state all gathered to meet me..... it was strange but just the most fun.... I had known these people for a while though, and knew they was no axe murderers.
WooHoo at advances lol ya jammy sod lol
I read this post this morning but didnt have time to comment and wanted to make sure it didnt disappear lol
Marmi- thanks for the encouragement. I like your comments here about as well as most blog posts!
Interestingly I'VE never been to Wisconsin although always wanted to go- rich history, great wildlife and scenery and have had several friend through the years from there.
Take care my dear.
Sorry, I do waffle on..... I will try to keep things short in future lol but me, I talk way to much lol sorry..
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