Against the decimated ruins of the New York City of the future, mankind has lost its dominance on Earth following the robot holocaust.
Synopsis for a new movie on Hulu that came out in 1987 called Robot Holocaust.
How did I miss that little gem?
Windy days- still one of the few thing that can put me in a bad mood.
Maybe a kite would help give those days a better connotation?
I made a kite once when I was a little kid- out of about 1/2 inch wooden dowels and newspapers and strips of bed sheets for the tail.
Ever heard the saying Well, that went over like a lead balloon? That was actually a cruel reference to my kiteorific efforts.
Spellcheck hi lites "kiteorific".
That's crazy.
Just looked up Robot Holocaust- here's a line from this modern day classic, "Nyla points to Kai, a loinclothed dude tied up between some trees. "He is the last man who ventured into our territory," she jeers. "He has mated with all of us who are ready to conceive, and will now be destroyed."
Guess what I'm watching with lunch.
I aligned and re aligned these bullets 3-4 times don't know what's up but, I decided to stop the madness and live with what I had.
I made a kite once in grade school. The damn thing never flew.
I think we should get an A, for effort.
You gots to go into edit html and move it around in there. Also watch for the "div /div"'s.
My favorite was always the Gayla Bat Kite with the ginormous eyes.
Wow, I've owned 2-3 of those- some years ago.
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